
Great Monsters Of Our Times

Started by November 20, 2001 08:33 PM
79 comments, last by SpittingTrashcan 23 years ago
I''ve never played Ultima V. Those guys sound really cool.
Sorry, krez, sorry! I wasn''t referring to you at all, as I attempted to say earlier. Your description was entirely satisfactory. I just realized after my original post that others might not be as descriptive as you... No offense, no offense! *cowers*

A humble and suitably cowed,

PS: It''s not that I''m assuming you''re good Tacit, it''s that I''m reminding you to act that way.

You can''t have "civilization" without "civil".
----------------------------------------------------SpittingTrashcanYou can't have "civilization" without "civil".
The Gargantua Beast is one of the best -- MUCH better than the other 2 "bosses" that they had at the end of the game. Any enemy that makes you want to run is great. Plus, as a jaded and experienced gamer, I''ve had very few "oh crap" moments -- but seeing that thing made me say it (OK, it was more vulgar than that, but I''m being nice )

SHODAN from the System Shock games is great, too. In SS2, when you walk into the room and a person you ~thought~ you were talking to turns out to be the computer, it''s one of the creepier scenes in gaming history. Hearing talking the entire time you''re playing is just creepy as heck.

Finally, Gunther from Deus Ex is just a killing machine. For some reason, more than the other agents, I feared him. I was disappointed that the battle with him was less epic, but he was used well the rest of the game.

Chris Rouillard
Software Engineer
---<<>>--- Chris Rouillard Software
Hey there,

Yeah, I played Ultima 5
That was one of the most enthalling games I played! Very detailed world and yeah, the Shadow Lords were really scary ecspecially as if you approached one in a town it followed you until you left or it pulled you to it''s dimension :Z

Cool. that was a cool game...

I dunno, bit of a weird one this, but you know when you get absorbed in a game, and you can jump easily....Wheel Of Time demo had a level set in the ruins. There was an ethereal fog choked with whispers and voices that poured out of the walls in a fallen corridor, suddenly the screen shakes violently and you panic as you cannot hit back! You run. then you peak around the corner...and they it is racing towards you! AGGGHHHHH....



Some of the monsters in the original Doom were my favourites. I remember countless times wandering through a dark corridor and turning a corner and there would be this fnuking monster that made me jump out of my skin!

After that, I don't think there has ever been bad guys I've really hated or been scared of - but one game that used to scare me when I was younger was 7th Guest. Playing it now just makes me laugh because it is so cheesy, but back then I was like 11 and Ghostbusters was still scary....


Edited by - Jx on November 21, 2001 9:30:32 PM
I really liked the ethereals from UFO:Enemy Unknown.
They were (of course) aliens, but really skinny ones who looked underfed. To disguise that they wore a really wide orange (yeah I know, that''s cheesy) robe so you couldn''t see what they were and when they died the robe dropped as if there hadn''t been anything wearing it. Of course when you had killed one, you could do scientific research on the corpse to find out what they were.

But what made them so cool is, that they mind-controlled your troops (they didn''t wield weapons). You really needed a number mind-strong fellows and good ambush strategies to kill them, especially the ethereal commanders who hid in the bridge of the UFO with a few ethereal soldiers. Those mind-controlled troops were very annoying since when they were taken over, they started killing your own troops with those really lethal weapons you just researched... Great!

Allow me to clear my head for once...
Stop polluting the air!
---Allow me to clear my head for once...Stop polluting the air!
Anyone played Clive Barker''s Undying? There are some really creepy monsters in that one. Or how about Silent Hill, when those faceless children come at you with knives from out of the darkness in the abandoned school? *shudders*
quote: Original post by SpittingTrashcan

PS: It''s not that I''m assuming you''re good Tacit, it''s that I''m reminding you to act that way.

Don''t be so presumptuous and condescending. You don''t know me.
_________________________The Idea Foundry
I don''t remember the name but there was this creepy alien from x-com(UFO:ENEMY UNKNOWN) that had a LOT of action points and when it touched one of your soldiers it turned him into a zombie, then if you shot that zombie it would turn into one of those creatures that infected it. I remember several occasions where I got off the plane and set my troops up when one of those things would go after my soldiers. The feeling of being helpless as one of those things ran up was terrible. Then I would be forced to open fire on my own transformed soldier which would turn into one of those monsters. So now I had two to deal with. You just had to hope your troops were spaced out enough that you could get a shot off.
I think the Cyberdemon from the Doom series was a good monster. I know he was pretty easy to beat with anything other than the fist/chainsaw but the memory of first seeing it and hearing it''s the stuff nightmares are made of.


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