Well, I think as a business it is important to distance itself from "player outcries"...
if something makes people rage, but they continue playing nonetheless, obviously its not really detrimental to business. And as a player, I doubt that players are really as angry about the exploits as they make it look like online... or its only a small vocal minority that is leading a rage-war, most probably because of other agendas.
Somebody got access to a highend item he shouldn't have too... yet its an ingame item that is properly balanced, and others can get it to by just playing longer / better... well, big deal. Clearly a hole that needs to be plugged, as players might be less inclined to face the grind if the item is available with an exploit. And clearly, part of the accomplishment of owning an item is gone when its no longer clear if you got it legally or not.
Hardly the "sky-is-falling" scenario some people make it look like.
Duping of items is quite similar... clearly something that again might be detrimental for peoples readyness to grind, and feelings of accomplishment. Additionally, if players can trade ingame items, that might really upset the ingame economy.
Again, hardly something that breaks your game to the core.
In both cases, these exploits are ONLY bad because of common design decisions. If a player cannot trade duped items, he cannot influence the economy. You might even implement a mechanic that would punish a player for selling the same item over and over again to NPCs (for example by slashing the sale price for every consecutive item sale after the first).
And to be honest, I am not sure that the ability to trade items, or the ability for an ingame economy to fluctuate because of player action is really adding all that much to player investment. Many online games flourish without it, and seeing how games that implement it have to watch their ingame economy, I dare to say its not worth it in the end.
The fact a player got a highend weapon by an exploit, safe from "hurting other players feelings", is only a problem because of design decision. If a game has a robust PvP mode, for example one that levels all players, by for example egalizing their weapons stats, the cheated super weapon has little influence on the game play of others.
Using bots in loot based games is another big outcry I only understand half. Sure, having to do the full grind while the player next to is farming his levels while sitting before the telly and having a blast might be annoying... but maybe sit back just a moment and think about WHY that is annyoing to you!
Maybe there is again a design flaw revealed by the fact that the exploiting of bots annoys other players? Because as long as we are not talking about a teambased game (where bots are quite annoying, not as annoying as bad players that are statistically WORSE THAN BOTS, but still annoying), no player has any detrimental effect on their own gameplay because there is a bot farming next to them. Sure, the bot might be farming away the loot and enemies faster than they can click themselves... that is again not a problem caused by the bot, a player could spawn camp enemies and suck away all loot with quick fingers.
The design flaw here is simple: The game is just not fun to play! If you don't enjoy the grind enough to warrant the long hours playing, then maybe the guy running the bot for the grind is doing the only sane thing: letting a machine do the work for him, and enjoying his free time doing something he actually ENJOYS!
There are many online games that where able to design a gameplay that was fun even when played for 100s of hours... I cannot remember an ARPG that falls into this category, but then I am no diehard ARPG Fan.
I can tell that it never bother me much to grind tanks in World of tanks. The gameplay is fun even when you have to play 100s of matches to get the next vehicle... it simply never becomes stale, if you enjoy that game. And while some vehicles might be less fun to play, the gameplay itself is never the bore some longwinding online games become when you have to click the same button over and over again without thinking to reach the next level.
And yes, there are bots in WoT, and they annoy people. But this is a teambased game, the only reason why other players are pissed is because the bot is taking a slot in the team that could be used by a good player, or maybe a unicum. People are just as pissed when they find out they have an incompetent player or troll in their team... at least the incompetent player might not be doing it on purpose. Still, the problem is not the bot, but the missing contribution to the team effort.
There are all kind of real, concerning hacks and exploits that are directly detrimental to players enjoyment of a game. They cannot be designed around, other than increasing the security. Aim Hacks and the likes.
Again, in a PvE game not so much of a problem. Design the game so the grind is fun, PvP is tightly controlled, and so is ingame economy. Most of the exploits you listed will no longer be a problem for 99% of players.
The rest is the angry minority that is always angry. Do something visible to appease them, but don't expect them to shut up. And never invest too much into these actions. The important part was designing the game to make the fallout of the hacks less severe. Because your game will be hacked. Your security will fail. And your players will complain.
Disclaimer: I am NOT saying that the exploiters themselves are not damaging to the business. Potentially. They are getting the full movie while only paying for 10 minutes, so to speak. They ARE annoying your playerbase.
All I am saying is if you want to protect your business from these losses, do it while it is cheap, not when it has become very expensive. And don't be fooled by players emotions. Like everything on the internet, they are intensified tenfold.