The only constant in all the places where islamic terror originates is that they are either third world country where people kill to get access to a better life, or countries that got drawn into a civili war where people kill too.
That's not a constant because there's plenty of countries that have those issues, yet no Islamic terrorism (See: African countries with low Muslim populations).
There are also first-world countries that have been attacked by Islamic terrorists.
The only countries that have reasonably high support for these countries (as in, morally agree with their actions in the double digits) have a large Muslim population. Christian terrorists are way less violent than Islamic ones (While there's more "terrorist" atacks in the USA from non-Muslims, Muslims dominate the list of terrorist attacks that involve killing/death/injury), and thus way less of a risk.
If we had Christian terrorists performing attacks/killing people and they had double digit support from Christians, you can bet we'd be talking about spying on Churches/banning Christian immigration.
Which MIGHT have something to do with the fact that a) many of these countries where colonies or occupied territory by the west, sometimes until middle of the last century,
The countries in question do better as colonies than seperate entities. I suggest you check out a great Vice documentary called "empire of dust" on youtube.
b) different historical development, no segregation of church and state for example (which was ONLY mandated and needed in the west BECAUSE things got way worse than it ever was in the islamic world of the middle ages).
Not really. All religions were basically the same in terms of brutality at that point, and Christianity improved. With it, the political climate/quality of life improved. Islam did as well, but not to the same degree. Lately, Islam has been regressing because of conservative scholars/religious councils, which is one of the core issues.
If people get access to proper education, and access to at least moderate wealth and a stable future, you can bet extremists have no chance at all (or at least not more than they have here in the west). THAT is the solution.
The issue is that even in the west, Muslims are way more likely to commit violence terror than other religions. Even if what you said's true (it's speculative), that's still an unacceptably high margin of terrorism.
I believe the only solution is to reform Islam itself, which I think can only be done through deconstructing radical Islam first (killing terrorists and those prone to radicalization), then replacing religious councils/scholars with those who interpret the Koran less literally, and offering heavilly Muslim areas vices (porn, booze, TV).
Quote options are again failing me, so forgive me for quoting the whole thing instead of parts:
1) Other countries are not breeding places for terrorists: Agreed, in parts.
There is plenty of terrorism in other non muslimic countries... see spain, see ireland some years ago, see parts of russia, just to name a few that are NOT fitting the bill of a third world country.
It just happens that these terrorism is normally not exported to other countries (hence we as foreigners don't care).
You could say the definining characteristic of religious terrorism is the urge to globalize their terrorism. I would say that has a lot to do with the involvment of the west in the arabic and african regions during most of the 20th century, thus the west having become the common enemy multinational organizations with pretty diverse goals (besides ammassing money and power) need.
I am not saying "its our own fault"... I am just saying that this, again, has nothing to do with religion, and all with history. This is NOT a war of religions. Its a war of systems at best... or just a scape goat to make the fools following the terrorist leader believe that there is a big enemy to fight.
It is quite remarkable how quickly terrorism disappears from western countries everytime the extremists actually find an enemy to fight in their own hemisphere (like Assad in Syria)... only to resurface once the terrorists run out of money, or get fought by the western alliances (which I fully support... this is a conflict that needs to be solved with international intervention).
Tells me the terrorists just want to blow up SOMETHING, and hit on the west if they lack better targets, or want extra money because attacking the west always gives them cookie points with rich arabic extremists. They are not steppind on the toes of anyones distant family, and they get extra air time because the western culture has such a high interest in dramatic news.
2) Those countries would be better as colonys: Yes, please go to those countries and tell that to people. Don't wait for a reaction though, run as fast as you can.
I DO think some countrys have rested on their self pity over being enslaved for so long too much... some populations seem to have never learned to actually stand up to oppressors and kick them out of their palaces. Which again, is hardly surprising. The history of a society defines pretty much how this society will react when put under pressure.
The europeans have been warmongers for all their history. Somebody invading your backyard? Lets grab those pitchforks and torches, we will teach them. Some emperor wants to bring you civilization and wealth... lets send him back his envoys head on a stick, we give a damn about civilization!
This was completly different in other parts of the world. The chinese have had a more or less stable empire for thousands of years. Sure, the dynasty changed.... sometimes foreigners took over. But all of them guaranteed a certain degree of stability, while maintaining a totally crippling military might. AFAIK, the chinese learned to arrange themselves with pretty much anything and anyone as long as their country thrived.
I guess this is why they see many things way differently than people from the west.
What has this to do with africa and arabian countries? Well, these countries also have a different history and culture than europe. People there think and react differently to how people in the west do.
If anything, then the unrest in the arabian world that led to this new wave of terrorism is the first sign that arabian societys finally start to stand against oppresors and dictators. Didn't had the effect many hoped until today... the fact they DO stand up against their own dictators instead of just blindly bombing the west is remarkable still. There is hope that in 20 years, nobody will be able to make a... statement you did up there, and all others can say is "yeeees, but..."
2) Christianity improved: No. Christianity never improved. Christianity was forced to resign from its power. Western society learned that you cannot leave the power in the hands of religious nutjobs. So church and state where segregated. This was something the church fought against for quite some time. Without the church loosing power organically (thanks to protestant movements, and people generally loosing interest in religion, and gaining interest in science and philosophy during the beginnings of the modern times... lets not forget the end of feudalism), rome would most probably still rule europe through its feudal vasalls.
To be honest, when christianity was at its worst, the islam was at its best... during the middle ages, the islamic world was going through a similar golden age we have had in the west in the last few centurys. Science thrived, religion was controlled by the secular powers, and other faiths were accepted next to the islamic religion. It was kind of the same as today, just with switched sides.
4) Muslims commit more violence than people of other faiths: Do we have access to scientific, unbiased material that shows your bold statement is actually true?
While it might FEEL to be true if you read the newspaper and watch all the violence-porn on CNN, that doesn't mean its actually a reality. Even a half truth is still half a lie. So until sombody can present scientific research in this area, I will not comment on that.
Reformation of a religion can ALWAYS come from the inside, bottom up. If muslims are fed up being played by their extremists, and no longer want to live udner rigid rules of some religious nutjobs, they will overthrow their religious rule, either by replacing them, dictating new rules, or by leaving their faith behind.
This is what happened with christianity. It wasn't the protestants raiding catholic churches and killing catholics that helped release europe from the iron fist of christian rule.
It was a shift in the interests and outlooks of society, new leadership, new forms of secular powers, and last but not least constant hemorraghing of believers that led to the catholic church just being a church.
Killing terrorists is like cutting of the heads of a hydra. You really want to see how many heads that thing can grow? I would rather try to attack the root causes.