gun stuff
I've already said I don't want to derail this with a discussion of gun violence. It was an example of a much bigger problem that the USA continues to ignore in favour of the "war on terror".
But you seem to be saying we can't talk about Islamic extremism, because we haven't taken action enough of gun violence.
Where did I say that? You can talk about it all you want. You're confusing criticism and comment with censorship.
You'd make a much more interesting point if you said, "Relative to the amount of talk of Islamic extremism, we've taken an inordinate amount of action at the federal level, but relative to the amount of talk on gun violence, we've taken relatively little action at the federal level."
But you didn't say that. Instead you compared Islamic extremism action to gun violence talk, which doesn't seem like a reasonable comparison to me.
No, the amount of talk and action taken on Islamic extremism far outweighs the actual problem.
But the reason why there has been excessive (and irrational (and irresponsible (and ill-thought-out))) action on Islamic extremism is because multi-billion dollar corporations profit from it.
And the reason why there has been so little action on gun violence (at the federal level) is because multi-billion dollar corporations would stand to lose money from it (and those two groups of corporations actually partially overlap: some of those gun manufacturers sell them to the USA army).
The point is that America has done far more harm to the rest of the world (in the name of the "war on terror") than Islamic terror has done to it.
By "the rest of the world", you mean "the nations we invaded" - and we all agree invading Iraq was stupid and the USA had no justification for it.
Don't forget Afghanistan, 'cos you had bugger all justification invading there either.
I'm not saying Islamic terror isn't a problem, I'm saying that it's nowhere near the problem it's made out to be.
So we're switching from Islamic extremism worldwide (including in their power-bases), to Islamic terrorist attacks on USA soil. Is that an effort to dismiss the problem as a whole?
Look at the top of your browser. You'll see the tab you're currently reading says "Islamaphobia in the United States".
So it's actually you who's switching to Islamic extremism worldwide.
But no, I am not attempting to avoid discussing that.
Yes, ISIS having their own state is a problem, much more so than any amount of terror attacks.
As to what to do about it, I really don't know, but I very much doubt the answer will be military action.
And let's not forget why ISIS exists in the first place.
Meanwhile, your country's infrastructure is slowly starting to rival that of the third world with water problems, a crumbling highway system.... oh and nuclear weapons that are controlled via technology that was outdated in the 90s
Certainly - our country is crumbling fast into the dustbins of history.
Does that mean, as an individual, I can't consider the problems of Islamic extremism, or that Islamic extremism doesn't exist?
Not at all. But don't you think your country would be better off addressing these problems instead of pouring billions of dollars into this increasingly unproductive war?
Maybe instead of spending billions to kill [...] people in far off countries,
I definitely disagree with our approach.
I'm just not dismissing the problem, because the USA has taken the wrong approach to addressing it.
Just as I think it's a violation of free will for Muslims to kill people who try to leave their faith, I also don't think it's a smart idea for the USA to parachute in and topple governments bringing mass instability to entire nations.
The problem is simply not that big in the grand scheme of things. This might sound callous, but a few hundred people killed in terror attacks (while undoubtedly tragic for those involved) is small potatoes compared to the other problems the world faces.
We are staring down the barrel of catastrophic climate change, overpopulation, hunger, and god knows what else.
Imagine if the money spent on the "war on terror" had instead been put into renewable energy research, eliminating poverty, new food technology.
You know I'm not a fan of religion, but Christ had the right idea about turning the other cheek, and the OT concept of "swords into ploughshares" is needed now more than ever.
I believe the vast majority of Islamic extremists aren't evil, they're just poor and hungry and manipulated by fanatics.
Maybe instead of spending billions to kill brown people
Now you are switching to "It's race-motivated".
Oh, it's totally race motivated. As I've said before, if the UK had drones in the 80s, do you think for one second that killing white Irish people to get to IRA terrorists would be accepted as easily as murdering Pakistanis?
Don't kid yourself.
So we have:
- A) There's bigger issues, so let's not do anything.
- B) It's racist, so let's not do anything.
- C) It's costing the USA too much (in lives and money), so let's not do anything.
- D) The USA has taken the wrong approach, so let's not do anything.
- E) The USA is crumbling, so let's not do anything.
I never said let's not do anything. I said action should be proportional to the threat.
It seems like you are introducing alot of additional issues, in an effort to dismiss the discussion as a whole.
Perhaps that's just me misunderstanding you - what precisely is your point? That going to war, toppling nations, scattering millions of people, to hunt down the mere tens of thousands that are explicitly extremists, is a bad idea?
If so, yea, I think almost everyone here already agrees with that - and has for years. If not, what is the point you are trying to make? I'm missing the conclusion, and perhaps improperly inferring a wrong conclusion from what you are saying.
Can you sum up your view of Islamic extremism in a single paragraph? Is it, "ignore them overseas, and just focus on defending your borders and prospering your people" (a valid tactic)?
ok, here goes.
Islamic extremism (like almost all terror campaigns) is ultimately born out of other issues. Islam is the tool used to manipulate people into committing heinous acts, but the root causes are legitimate grievances that go back decades (globalisation, exploitation, political interference in the middles east). Ultimately, Islamic terrorism (outside of their power bases) is not nearly as much of a problem as it's made out to be by politicians and the media and certainly not worth the vast resources we are squandering on it when there are bigger issues, nor is it worth the wholesale violations of civil liberties in the name of "security".
Maybe instead of [...] giving ISIS more recruitment material, you could build a few more schools or hospitals at home.
The war effort is pushed by multi-billion corporations who profit from the trillions of dollars of USA military spending.
That means we have at least two problems: Undue influence of money in military decisions, and Islamic extremism (and about 50 other unrelated problems in the USA).
The introduction of additional problems does not make the first problem go away. It doesn't make Islamic extremism not a ""real problem"", and doesn't mean we shouldn't discuss it.
Once again, we can discuss it all you want (I kinda thought that's what we were doing).
But the point of this topic is "Islamaphobia", and the question was:
In light of the politics we've seen this year in the US, it seems a little unnerving. Is Islamaphobia an increasing problem?
to which my answer is "yes, Islamaphobia is definitely a problem". When you have the presidential nominee for one of the two major parties of the world's most powerful military talking about banning Muslims..... that's a fucking problem.
And Trump scares me far more than ISIS.
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