2) "The reason that Christianity seems moderate is because we believe you have to God-given right to choose for yourself what you believe, and we don't try to kill you if you leave the faith like Islam does."
Source? Really, when you make statements like thos, you should back it up, else it just seems to be rightwing hate speech.
"The right to be convinced and to convert from Islam to another religion is held by only a minority of Muslim scholars. This view of religious freedom is, however, not shared by the vast majority of Muslim scholars both past as well as present. Most classical and modern Muslim jurists regard apostasy (riddah), defined by them as an act of rejection of faith committed by a Muslim whose Islam had been affirmed without coercion, as a crime deserving the death penalty." - Abdul Rashied Omar
"Many Islamic scholars, but not all, consider apostasy as a Hudud (or Hadd) crime, that is one of six "crimes against God" a Muslim can commit, which deserves the fixed punishment of death as that is a "claim of God".
Under traditional Islamic law an apostate may be given a waiting period while in incarceration to repent and accept Islam again and if not the apostate is to be killed without any reservations."- Wikipedia
Compare and contrast the Wikipedia page: Apostasy in Islam vs the Apostasy in Christianity page.
The Islam page almost entirely deals with the religious debate about, and the realities of, killing people who leave Islam.
The Christianity page almost entirely deals with the religious debate about conceptually whether or not the person was ever saved, with nothing about punishments (except vague 'when God judges them in the afterlife' punishments).
So here. we're saying, if you're a majority Christian, you support people's right to choose what they believe, as promoted by the Bible, but that some Christians might be bad Christians and kill non-believers (and honestly, how often do you see that happening?).
On the other hand, we're saying a huge percentage of Muslims openly support the death penalty for people turning away from Islam, as supported by their religious texts (not explicitly by the Quran, but their supplemental doctrine books), sharia law, and as argued for by their religious scholars.
But that many Muslims also disagree, and don't support the killing of those who turn away, but it's a very close tie. Far too close for a religion of 1.6 billion people.
Doesn't mean that this is enforced, other than by religious nutjobs.
Have you looked it up?
Saying, "This doesn't mean it's enforced" isn't a good response. Asking for evidence that it is enforced, or providing evidence that it's not enforced, is a better response.
Again, christians burned heretics at the stakes... seems they also found ways to legitimitize it.
Yes, people in power always find ways of doing what they want regardless of what the Bible says, and regardless of what their governmental laws say (they just change the laws - thankfully, they can't change the Bible).
Most of the people burned at the stake were other Christians. And it's counter to the Bible.
But most Islamic scholars agree that Islam should kill people who leave Islam, and hundreds of millions of Muslims agree (but not all - hundreds of millions also disagree).
All I know is that Jesus according to the bible loathed the temple, and preached wherever he was.
Jesus taught in the Temple, out in nature, on the streets, in houses, and in Synagogues.
Pharisees and religious scholars taught in the Temple, out in nature, on the streets, in houses, and in Synagogues too.
Other Jews taught inside and outside the Temple. Teaching wasn't limited to the Temple. Teaching wasn't limited to Synagogues.
Jesus' disciples and apostles did the same thing. Peter and Paul spoke in the Temple, synagogues, houses, streets, nature, and so on.
Paul even went into temples to foreign gods and preached there.
Jesus didn't loath the Temple, He called it "My Father's House". He hated the commercializing and exclusionary way the Temple was being ran (which is the same way some modern churches are being ran), which was counter to how the Temple was supposed to be ran.
Jesus did break open worship of God to any location, and the priesthood to everyone, but he didn't disown the Temple. It was still important as a symbolic bridge between man and God, which has now been manifested in each individual believer.
Western society got beyond that, not thanks to the christian religion, but thanks to showing religion their place.
Western society got beyond that, because the Christian denominations in-fighting and in-persecuting, led some sects to realize this wasn't sustainable, and to break the cycle.
Which is in everyones private life, not in politics.
Christians don't have a right to speak politically, or else must deny their own views to suit non-believers?
You can use your beliefs and opinions to influence laws, but Christians can't?
By what logic do you get to bring all of your mind and views to the table, but Christians must leave half of theirs behind?
Yes, the USA shouldn't make laws promoting one religion over another, but that's a far cry different than hiding Christianity from sight as if it's an embarrassment. Freedom of religion does not mean freedom from religion. It does not mean you get to go through life without exposure to other views.
If a person truly believes in something (religious or not), it affects them throughout their life, and their behavior and personality.
You want to artificially cut Christians in two: Their religion half only within their house, within their church, and within tiny areas of atheist-approved protest zones.
And then you want their work-life, public life, and political life, to not show any hint that they have views different than you.