Really, honest question here: what do you want to ACHIEVE by attacking the muslim faith and koran instead of the culprits who actually did do the crime?
Do you believe you can change a whole religion from the outside? Do you think oppressing muslims in the US will help?
Or do you believe oppressing the moderate muslims in the US will make the extremists less likely to attack US target?
No, I don't think "attack" is the right word here.
No one is attacking Muslims or the Koran. What I and I guess others on this side of the debate are saying is that, you've got to be honest with the root cause if you want to have a lasting solution (even if it means being politically incorrect then so be it - Note:not moving anywhere close to Donald Trump's stance here)
For instance, why do they all have to shout "Allah wakauba" (God is great in Arabic) before they blow themselves up?
Why do they all read relevant parts of the Koran in their video clips, to justify their acts?
Why does ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Qaeda, Al shaba all have establishing an Islamic state as the main cause of their jihad?
Why do they all call western women "whores", simply for not dressing up like they force their own women to dress?
No one is giving Christians a clean slate either (as @Phantom points out, there are lots of horrible stuff that some Christians do), but when it comes to real terrorism, everyone knows who and which religion, the real culprits are
If we are honest then the solution, for instance, might be getting the Muslim leaders, Imams and local community leaders to re-educate extremists on how to moderately interpret the Koran so as to curb radicalism. This kind of initiative is being attempted here in the UK at the moment. How effective it is... time would tell
I do understand the intention when put like this (though I am not sure that ALL people voicing into the same tune are actually interested in a solution...)
If I for a moment forget my own believe that you misjudge the root cause, I am still not sure though that the solution you put forward here is realistic and could work.
"Muslim Leaders" as in moderate imams, leaders of muslimic states like the Iran, Saudi Arabia and others, have little to zero leverage over extremists. Best they can do is the same the west can do... try to fight them, which is hard if not impossible as long as they are not trying to build a califate (which is why the ISIS is actually making a BIG mistake, and would be ripe for being squashed thanks to sticking to a territory IMO). MAYBE they could additionally go after the terrorist supporters in their own midst (with the saudi arabians being especially bad at this if you believe the intelligence reports, a lot of rich supporters seem to finance a lot of extremists).
The problem I see is what I state time after time. Extremists no longer listen to anyone. Because they are either no longer interested in religion (other than the extreme philosophy of hatred they call religion), or because they choose to follow someone like that. Best you could do is to reduce the amount of new recruits by reducing the amount of extremist preachers. Still, these often are also hard to talk to. Because they choose to no longer listen.
That is one of the most common trait among extremists of all colours, be they right- or leftwing, "religious" or eco extremists. They no longer listen to anyone, as long as this person is not following the same extrem ideology they themselves are.
Now, given that what I put up there is correct (I believe so, but feel free to TRY to re-educate muslims worldwide), there is no easy way out. What I do believe would help is to isolate the extremists more. If moderate muslims are clearly saying no to violence and the radical views of extremists, it might not be the solution, but it would certainly help.
There is no need for "re-education" though. What is needed is the right environment for the society in the muslim countries to develop. All "we" can do as people outside of the islam is trying to help to build the environment. Moderate muslims need to do the legwork, its their religion, and if you do not want to plant the seeds for the next wave of violence, you need to give them the opportunity to grow their religion themselves.
And by environment, I mean economical and cultural aspects first and foremost. This is what will shape religion in the end, as has happened with the christian religion.
Lets be honest, rewriting a "holy book" will not happen... like, ever. How would christians feel if somebody told them to rewrite their book because of <insert legit concern here>? Or the jews? Buddhists?
As long as people think it is "the word of god", the text will not be mutable. All people can do is to make sure the interpretation of the text changes over time, and that extreme interpretations get frowned upon (which happen in christianity too... heretics no longer get burned at the stakes).