Does anyone else want to chime in here?
The problems with asking us how to structure your class is:
- Most of us are not teachers; we're mostly professionals and hobbyists. Our teaching is limited to sharing unstructured, gory implementation details. To us, there is no point if the knowledge we share is nebulous and unusable in a real-world setting.
- Your course is not something that most of us would be interested in taking ourselves, so we're similarly not very motivated to help. When you say you aren't interested in video games except as an artistic medium, likewise we're interested in education but not this particular implementation of it.
- Game developers constantly struggle to estimate the time it takes for us to get OUR work done, and it's incredibly hard. In some ways, game development is the very essence of doing something for the first time, every time. There is no possible way we can estimate the time a different person will take to do something.
My suggestion, since I don't know your teaching style, is to break the problem down like any other project where everything starts as an unknown. You're not that different from us when it comes to doing something for the first time, anyway:
- Determine the dependencies between topics.
- Begin with a quick investigation of each topic.
- Determine which topics and details are "critical path" (i.e. the stuff you NEED to teach).
- Leave everything else on standby, and attempt it only if you find out that you are ahead of schedule (being ahead of schedule basically never happens in game development, but I can't say what your course will hold).
- Work on (teach) topics in the order governed by the dependencies.
None of us is going to teach your class for you. You're the teacher, you've chosen the topic, it is your responsibility to know how to do this. We expect people who do a job to be good at that job; We expect you to be good at teaching.
Do not be the one that reinforces the derogatory statement, "those who can do, those who cannot teach." Nobody wants that.