
Daughter is asking for skill games!

Started by March 20, 2016 11:31 AM
6 comments, last by Tom Sloper 8 years, 6 months ago


I would like to input my necessity here. I have 4 years old daughter. She loves to play skill games. But I don't have a list of skill games. So I need your help plz.

Can you recommend some games or refer a site where can I get lot's of skill games?

I'm not sure what you mean by skill games. I think it would be helpful if you could give some examples of what games you mean.

Can you link any games she likes to play?

Hello to all my stalkers.



There are lots of skill games but they are hard to find as they're not listed as skill games so I understand how hard it is to find them, so I'm guessing you mean games like piano tiles or other quick tap games that require you to have the fastest touch or similar stuff, i would like to point you to one of my games as that is perfect for what you are looking for and has ben certified for age 3 upwards, but i dont think forum rules allow me to say what its called, but when i was creating my game i spotted that all these type of skill games tend to have fast or fastest in there name so do a search in google play or apple store to see what comes up, in google play there are about 200 hundred that will show up.

Can you provide an example? The TIM machine was a great game for mind skills. Where is Carmen Sandiego too

Yeah, I have an example like the attached site I got it few hours ago. This site is about skill and challenging games. I need the similar one. Are you clear I think?


This is not a programming question.

Can you recommend some games or refer a site where can I get lot's of skill games?

Don't know why you thought this was a Programming question. Moving to the Lounge.

-- Tom Sloper --

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