
If you had a magic button, what would it do?

Started by January 28, 2016 07:35 PM
54 comments, last by nfries88 8 years, 6 months ago

It would pause time for everyone but myself and anyone in physical contact with me, and while paused ageing would have no relevance for those that aren't paused.

Completely implausible but cool. Think of the good and evil you could do with it...

Granted, but if you moved at all you would burst into flames (air friction—even the smallest movement would be ? kilometers per second, generating explosive heat through the air).

As for my answer, it would do whatever I wanted it to do at the moment I push it.

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

but if you moved at all you would burst into flames (air friction—even the smallest movement would be ? kilometers per second, generating explosive heat through the air).

Nah, because it's magic, so... Real physics can suck it :P

Time roll-back without losing memory capability (:

I really like this one, but I want to my own catch.

You can go backwards, but you are outside time, so you age normally during rollbacks while everyone else ages as if time has reversed. So if you are on your deathbed, and you age to a child, you'll still be an old man. It's just everyone else would be a child.

There's been time warping in games, but I am unaware of any where the consequence was less than just not being able to use it.

It seems like most people want to do space and time travel with their magic button. haha.

I didn't say what my magic button would do yet.

It would stop all of the evil in the world. I guess it would be a soft of time machine itself. ;)

Interesting posts.

They call me the Tutorial Doctor.

I would want it to close this thread.

"Some people use Singletons, some people are Simpletons." - Bill Gates
"Yum yum, I luv Cinnabon." - Mahatma Gandhi

Wings. Giant eagle wings, or something visually similar, permitting me to fly.

I imagine it'd give me some great muscles on my back/chest.

...I should probably just take up skydiving.

Or to extrapolate my desire further: Being able to turn into any animal (including any I think up, like mythological ones or custom mixes), but still being able to retain my regular mind, and being somehow able to vocalize human speech. I think it'd be amazing to run for a forest at high speeds as a jaguar or wolf, or fly as a bird.
Plus if I wanted to rob a bank, I could always disguise myself as a *different-looking* human, or just maul people as a bear. Or turn into something small for a quick escape (without the loot sad.png).

It would pause time for everyone but myself and anyone in physical contact with me, and while paused ageing would have no relevance for those that aren't paused.

Completely implausible but cool. Think of the good and evil you could do with it...

Granted, but if you moved at all you would burst into flames (air friction—even the smallest movement would be ? kilometers per second, generating explosive heat through the air).

My usual "downside of freezing time" thought is... If time freezes, then light stops moving also, meaning you'd all be blind while time is frozen.


Make me and my family immortal tongue.png

Make me and my family immortal :P

That one is picked up by sci-fi occasionally.

Terrible wish. You and your arthritic, cancer-growing, senile old body will be suffering for all eternity, long after the world is destroyed and humanity is gone.

Eternal youth, or perpetual youth with the ability to die when you are ready,

Time roll-back without loosing memory capability (:

This one. But it should work after death too. My biggest desire in life is more time.

A magic button? Hmmm.... I need this, press and to have the favorite care, wife and rest all life :))

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