
If you had a magic button, what would it do?

Started by January 28, 2016 07:35 PM
54 comments, last by nfries88 8 years, 6 months ago

Make me and my family immortal tongue.png

That one is picked up by sci-fi occasionally.

Terrible wish. You and your arthritic, cancer-growing, senile old body will be suffering for all eternity, long after the world is destroyed and humanity is gone.

Eternal youth, or perpetual youth with the ability to die when you are ready,

I had that in mind but this is just something that's not going to happen, so why bother? :P

It would write my code for me, obviously.


it would change the world into the culture from Iain M. Banks novels.

if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

Kick the government out of people's marriage affairs so that marriage is no longer treated as a legal document upheld in a similar fashion as a corporation (in plan English, not treating it as a business), but whatever the two decide it should be.


It would make me a million us dollars

//Dre Reid\\

Kick the government out of people's marriage affairs so that marriage is no longer treated as a legal document upheld in a similar fashion as a corporation (in plan English, not treating it as a business), but whatever the two decide it should be.

eh? That makes no sense at all. The whole point of marriage as an institution is to provide legal recognition of a relationship.

If you don't want any kind of legal status attached to your relationship, then just say you're married and do whatever the hell you want.

if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

It would make me a million us dollars

Someone set their sights too low. wink.png

It would make me a million us dollars

Someone set their sights too low. wink.png

Lol, where i'm from i could live a comfortable life and release my games for free just for fame

//Dre Reid\\

It would make me a million us dollars

Someone set their sights too low. :wink: Lol, where i'm from i could live a comfortable life and release my games for free just for fame

Lol, here a million dollars us will get you a house paid outright and most of the bills paid for a good 10 years, apart from that you'll still need income and after a few years would need to get a job again.

Of course really anyone who comes into that amount of money in one go would probably be best investing it in something low risk instead. Meh...
I want a button that causes (other) people nearby to experience extraordinary physical agony if they have had a moronic thought in the past 30 seconds.

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
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