Well, as the the title in this thread suggests - it's going to be about a simulator idea that will be controversial.
Heck, it might even spark a debate on this very thread.
Obviously, you may be wondering, "what is this simulator about?' well, I'll tell you: a Cult Simulator.
Yep, you saw it right - a Cult Simulator. I personally think that this is an interesting concept that will bring a new light to the simulator genre.
Of course, I'll be hearing from the opposite side of the debate soon.
So, for those of you who have managed to read this far, here are the gameplay mechanics:
- When you start a new game, you can customize the player's and the cult's attributes - player e.g. intelligence, creativity. cult e.g. rules.
- Create ranks for the cult
- Once your cult grows, it begins to gain media attention - e.g. cops will go after it, religious institutions will ban it, etc.
So, what do you think? Please give feedback in the comments below!