Game engine lessons
I would also highly recommend using Monogame/Xna. They are both pretty much the same thing. Microsoft dropped Xna and Monogame is the current extension that uses the Xna framework. Since its a somewhat "Older" framework there are lots of books out for it and its really good for 2D.
I just purchased two books of these books myself literally 2 days ago.
But if you wanted something else there is also SharpDX,SlimDX,CocosSharp,and SFML.NET to name a few.
Also don't be afraid of Monogame or Xna. Yes Xna was dropped by Microsoft but Monogame has completely revived it and is maintained/updated by the dev team. Also almost everything you read on Xna will translate over to Monogame since it uses the Xna framework. The only real difference is the Content Pipeline for importing assets into your project.
Hope this helped, Good luck!
3dbuzz offers good game development video tutorials using C#:
Thanks guys but Im looking for some lessons that show how to make a simple 2D game engine just in C# without XNA or MonoGame, reason why its for learning, but I can't find any complete lessons on making a simple 2D game engine from strach with just C#
Yes, like HappyCoder says when you use these frameworks you are basically making your game/engine from scratch in code. They are a buffer between you and the nitty gritty stuff. Saying this is almost like saying you want to make a program from scratch using just machine language. Why bother when its already done for you? You still have to know what you are doing. Its not like gamemaker or what ever you literally start with a Game1 class that inherits from the base Game class in the Xna framework. And its almost completely empty. Can't get much more "from scratch" than that.