Here's my question then: if gun control is not going to solve this mass shootings issue in the US, then what will? What do people honestly propose instead of gun control? Do people have a solution? I'm genuinely curious.
I think we can accomplish a mutually satisfying resolution through actual compromise. For example, instate shall-issue permits to CCW's federally (Something proven to cause no issue from law abiding citizens), and lengthen the federal sentencing guidelines for felons that have guns (Once you have a felony you aren't allowed to have/own/be alone with a gun).
remove the need for pistol purchase permits being needed in certain states (Pistol purchase permit is separate from a concealed carry permit), but make straw purchasers criminally responsible if their guns are used in crimes.
Strike down state-specific magazine capacity bans, but enforce NICS checks on magazine purchases over 7 rounds (NYC's current strict law limit)
Get rid of ridiculous "assault weapon" classifications, and make handgun crime (This is the issue) more punishable with minimum sentencing guidelines.
Make it easier for interstate hunters (It is VERY hard to legally transport guns across state borders, despite that being a protected right under the Firearms owners protection act. States (like NYC) will arrest you for transporting an unloaded hunting rifle with no ammo in the trunk to a hunting site), but charge a tax to those who hunt in another state.
The goal should be to target the largest hotspot of crime (Re-offenders, Handgun robberies), while offering compromises for the people who have shown to be responsible (Long gun owners that can pass NICS checks). Even the GOA would back any one of these (Well, maybe not NICS checks on magazines).
Congress just renewed that law, in fact. As a follow-up to that, funding for gun research dried up. Now the CDC can cannibalize other projects for funds to study guns, at the expense of those projects. And the results might not even be publishable, because if the study could be construed by the NRA as advocating gun control in some way the agency would be dealing with legal problems and an again-hostile Congress.
Can you find that law? Because I can't.
This is the best source I can find
But there's no law cited against the research, nor did congress ban anything I can find. The NRA pointed out anti-gun agenda in the initial research, congress said the evidence of that looked legitimate and the CDC took a self-imposed ban on the topic to avoid their own bias.
Obama reversed their decision by executive order, and the CDC published gun statistics for last year as well that showed guns had either a nuetral or positive impact.