
Week of Awesome III - The competition Thread

Started by August 10, 2015 04:00 AM
282 comments, last by Orymus3 9 years ago

Here is my update for .. yesterday.

Hey, my update for Day3 (yesterday) here!

Time to lurk on other people's journals now :)


Well, It's the end of day 4 for me.

Overall it was good, Got all the groundwork laid out.

So without further ado; Here is my journal entry.

Hey, my update for Day3 (yesterday) here!

Time to lurk on other people's journals now smile.png

That could take some time, I've been slowly reading through them when I get a little too frustrated or need a break.

Never say Never, Because Never comes too soon. - ryan20fun

Disclaimer: Each post of mine is intended as an attempt of helping and/or bringing some meaningfull insight to the topic at hand. Due to my nature, my good intentions will not always be plainly visible. I apologise in advance and assure you I mean no harm and do not intend to insult anyone.

Hey everyone. Here's my journal entry for day 4:

... and also the link to the latest build:

So, do people with nVidia graphics cards still get an exception?

Today is a massive slowdown, my rotation code doesn't work in anything other than the editor window which is making things very, very difficult.

Today is a massive slowdown, my rotation code doesn't work in anything other than the editor window which is making things very, very difficult.

Dude, slowdown days SUCK. Mine was yesterday. Hopefully you will have a good on tomorrow.


Today is a massive slowdown, my rotation code doesn't work in anything other than the editor window which is making things very, very difficult.

that's unfortuante to hear, i hope you'll be able to solve it and get back on track soon enough!

So, do people with nVidia graphics cards still get an exception?

I tested it on my laptop which has a gtx 560M card, and it ran fine. i also left a few comments in your journal.

everyone else, things are looking nice, we are a few hours passed the midway point now, reaching the weekend. i suspect many of you are going to be putting it into overdrive shortly! good luck to everyone, and try not to kill yourself, remember to get some sleep!
Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

Day 4

Journal entry:

Today I had to switch to the full throttle mode, no gym, very little food, but the good part is that I managed to be in the zone and I implemented some nice things:

I made an alpha build, it has bugs and I still have many things to implement, but I would be grateful if you can try it and tell me if it starts ok for you, any feedback is more than welcome:

... and also the link to the latest build:

So, do people with nVidia graphics cards still get an exception?

It works !!! and I like it biggrin.png I got stuck at "Pickup and Drop With V Throw With C", this should be the end of the demo or I'm doing something wrong ?

*10 minutes later and an epiphany* Wait, I figured it out, awesome cool.png .

I made an alpha build, it has bugs and I still have many things to implement, but I would be grateful if you can try it and tell me if it starts ok for you, any feedback is more than welcome:

runs fine on win 10, amd r290. graphically looks nice, and movement mechanics are pretty decent, not sure if it's possible to get past the second guy. anyway i'm interested to see what direction you go with this.
Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

runs fine on win 10, amd r290. graphically looks nice, and movement mechanics are pretty decent, not sure if it's possible to get past the second guy. anyway i'm interested to see what direction you go with this.

Thank you, I'm more relieved, I can get a comfortable sleep now smile.png .
The second guy should be impassable for now, you need to aquire some special abilites before to challenge him cool.png .

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