
The Week of Awesome III - The third annual unofficial competition! - Administration thread

Started by June 01, 2015 04:11 AM
232 comments, last by Eck 9 years, 2 months ago

Hey guys! I've been working like a maniac getting some more features in my game library to work. Which is why I haven't been posting much. The good news however is that I'm completely prepared now. I've even made a journal:

Just like Thaumaturge and Lactose I've also made a preparation post, but since slicer requested it, I will post it in the competition thread when it is up instead of here.

Just another question on the splash screen: Are we allowed to resize it (on the premise to keep it legible) or would it be possible to provide the splash screen in the most common sizes?

1280 x 720 is annoyingly widescreen.

resizing is perfectly fine.

Are we allowed to modify the splashscreen in any way, or is it to be used strictly as is? E.g. highlighting the current game's team with a border or other graphic.

this is perfectly acceptable. so long as the splashscreen doesn't see any major modifications which would cover up the sponsors text, you can feel free to modify it to reflect anything you'd like to add(such as highlighting your team, or placing a "press any key to continue" text onto it.)

I'm not sure as to whether you can remove the team information (which is not part of the sponsor info at the center) and redo the whole splashscreen with the same sponsor information with different fonts/color/visual direction in general though.

Resizing, and doing minor alterations to fit your game is fine, but redoing the entire splashscreen is not fine. I know it isn't the best work of art, but in general I'd like to keep it as something quickly recognizable while we are judging the games.

also, great to have you with us!

Hey guys! I've been working like a maniac getting some more features in my game library to work. Which is why I haven't been posting much. The good news however is that I'm completely prepared now. I've even made a journal:

Just like Thaumaturge and Lactose I've also made a preparation post, but since slicer requested it, I will post it in the competition thread when it is up instead of here.

Great to see! but yes be sure to drop it into the competition thread so that it adds to your participation points!

8 hours to kickoff folks!
Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

Slicer, did you update the main thread with the link to the splash screens and this years comp thread?

Slicer, did you update the main thread with the link to the splash screens and this years comp thread?

uh...we still have a little over 7 hours until the competition thread will be created. as for the splashscreen, it is under it's own category in the main post and can be downloaded there.
Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

Slicer, did you update the main thread with the link to the splash screens and this years comp thread?

uh...we still have a little over 7 hours until the competition thread will be created. as for the splashscreen, it is under it's own category in the main post and can be downloaded there.

Odd, the image was not loading earlier, anyway i got it, thanks! <3

Hi, I have a question regarding the rules.

It says 'existing game logic' not allowed.

I have a custom made game engine that handles controller input, runs a render loop and manages game states, menu screen, loading screens, handling of loading resources, texture packing etc - I guess this is not considered 'game logic' so it is perfectly fine to use this as a basis for a game?

Gamedev journal:


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Hi, I have a question regarding the rules.

It says 'existing game logic' not allowed.
I have a custom made game engine that handles controller input, runs a render loop and manages game states, menu screen, loading screens, handling of loading resources, texture packing etc - I guess this is not considered 'game logic' so it is perfectly fine to use this as a basis for a game?

Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

Well I am headed off shortly to put a roof over the wood shed at my folks house, which means I won't be around for the start of the crazy. I wish all participants the best of luck and just remember to stay healthy and relatively stress free. I look forward to reading about your progression and playing your entries.

I want the damn theme already! lol... 4 more hours i guess

Isn't it in under 2 hours?

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