
The Week of Awesome III - The third annual unofficial competition! - Administration thread

Started by June 01, 2015 04:11 AM
232 comments, last by Eck 9 years, 2 months ago

I will be working with riuthamus this year on a game. I am excited to be working with him this year in Unity.

Are we allowed to modify the splashscreen in any way, or is it to be used strictly as is? E.g. highlighting the current game's team with a border or other graphic.

Hello to all my stalkers.


I will be working with riuthamus this year on a game. I am excited to be working with him this year in Unity.

Great to hear!

Are we allowed to modify the splashscreen in any way, or is it to be used strictly as is? E.g. highlighting the current game's team with a border or other graphic.

this is perfectly acceptable. so long as the splashscreen doesn't see any major modifications which would cover up the sponsors text, you can feel free to modify it to reflect anything you'd like to add(such as highlighting your team, or placing a "press any key to continue" text onto it.)
Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

call me an idiot (i don't mind, "idio-" means "self-" and i certainly see no need to reference others outside of syntax)

but i do have to ask because i was thinking about this earlier in relation to passing this screen -

how do you accomplish that in win32?

in console it's easy, but with win32, key presses are processed by windows message, which is key specific.. or can the higher bit in the windows message be checked to see if the message is a key?

i love asking questions like this, because once you demonstrate that you don't know one simple thing, some people assume you don't know any simple things.... and then baby jesus has to cry a lot and probably get banned from the forum.

i'll probably just say, press spacebar to continue.... :p

neither a follower nor a leader be

call me an idiot (i don't mind, "idio-" means "self-" and i certainly see no need to reference others outside of syntax)

but i do have to ask because i was thinking about this earlier in relation to passing this screen -
how do you accomplish that in win32?

in console it's easy, but with win32, key presses are processed by windows message, which is key specific.. or can the higher bit in the windows message be checked to see if the message is a key?

i love asking questions like this, because once you demonstrate that you don't know one simple thing, some people assume you don't know any simple things.... and then baby jesus has to cry a lot and probably get banned from the forum.

i'll probably just say, press spacebar to continue.... tongue.png

looking for a single key, or simply waiting 2 seconds is perfectly fine. but for an any key bypass with win32 api, you'd just look for an WM_KEYDOWN or WM_INPUT event from windows.
Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

I'd like to participate/try as a solo team :)

Team Name: Arglebargle
Members: Only myself
Website: < I suppose this will do for general contact


[moderator hat]

and then baby jesus has to cry a lot and probably get banned from the forum.

Please stop baiting the moderators with this sort of nonsense (some other recent examples here, here, and here); it's off-topic, it distracts from the actual content of your posts, and it's annoying. It's also a big part of the reason you keep attracting down-votes. If you obey our rules and refrain from insulting other users you will not be banned. It's that simple.

Thankfully our community are very mature and have chosen to largely ignore these snippets rather than dragging discussions off-topic, but it's not needed and it's getting old really fast. Normally this would just be an informal tip for the future and we would all move on, but given your specific history with the site I'm making this a formal warning and letting you know it's your final chance: if you continue to post this nonsense and bait the community and moderators I'm going to take that bait.

To make it nice and clear:
Do not post any remarks of this sort in your posts from this point forwards. If you do you will be banned the instant I or another moderator is made aware of it. If you do not, and otherwise follow all of the rules, then you will not need to fear being banned and therefore have no need for these remarks to be included in your posts. I'll be issuing a formal warning (which sends you a private message) so that there is no chance you will simply miss seeing the message.

In addition, do not drag this discussion off topic by responding to this post here. If you or any other member would like to discuss the matter further you are welcome to privately message me, or if you would prefer the discussion to be public you may post in the Comments, Suggestions & Ideas forum.
[/moderator hat]

@Everyone else: Sorry for the off-topic post guys, looking forward to seeing all of your fantastic entries! :)

- Jason Astle-Adams

As a note - for Thaumaturge's earlier preparatory journal entry, Lactose!'s preparatory journal entry and any others who may also do so -- with the opening of the competition thread itself -- could you please link your pre-comp blog/journal entries in that thread - Judges will be looking for such links in the competition thread (i.e. not this thread) for marking with regards to the "Participation" criteria and may not necessarily see such links in here (Please note that having a pre-natal entry is not a requirement!) - by all means feel free to post pre-comp start blogs in here -- just make sure you link them in the actual Competition thread.

*A third knell sounds; although the ringing of the bell seems almost upon you, you cannot see its source. In voices of ringing iron, you hear: "Tomorrow! It is here tomorrow!"*

As a note - for Thaumaturge's earlier preparatory journal entry, Lactose!'s preparatory journal entry and any others who may also do so -- with the opening of the competition thread itself -- could you please link your pre-comp blog/journal entries in that thread ...

Noted, and thank you! happy.png

I'd missed Lactose's entry, so I'm doubly glad that you posted the above. happy.png


Hi guys, I`m new here, this is actualy my first post, I'm glad to join this community smile.png

Welcome! happy.png


My Twitter Account: @EbornIan

As a note - for Thaumaturge's earlier preparatory journal entry, Lactose!'s preparatory journal entry and any others who may also do so -- with the opening of the competition thread itself -- could you please link your pre-comp blog/journal entries in that thread

Will do :)

Hello to all my stalkers.

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