
The Week of Awesome III - The third annual unofficial competition! - Administration thread

Started by June 01, 2015 04:11 AM
232 comments, last by Eck 9 years, 2 months ago

*Again a bell rings; it seems closer this time, loud and resonant. The ranting madman has gone from his broken perch, but a whisper on the wind nevertheless carries words to your ears: "Three days remain..."*

that's got chills down my spine with such artistry and epicness.

1. Is the competition thread going to be going up before the competition starts? (and when is the official time?)
2. When that thread is up do we add a link to our posts or copy the content of the post in the thread?
3. My wife now manages my website, Social media, mail-outs, etc. If she is doing the actual posting does she need to be listed as part of the team?

1. No the thread is created at the start of the competition(midnigh est) and is the kickoff to the competition.
2. Either or is perfectly fine, my goal this year is to not have to do so much legwork to track down contestant blogs/posts.
3. Because you have 3 people, i'd say just add her as your last teammate slot anyway. Even though shes not contributing with creating the game, she is helping in the participation category.

Also I have changed my site to have a category for this years competition so the new url is:

And here is the finalized team :

Matthew P. - World Designer & 3D modeling
Rebecca V. - Art & Story and Videos (if any are made)
Clint F. (me) - Lead Game Designer / Programmer

Good Luck everybody. I love seeing all of the awesome work.

Awesome i'll update the team in a little bit.

@Alpha: come on man you can join in!

@IYP, flamingkiwi, and Lactose!: awesome i'll update the team listing in a bit.
Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

@Cefleet: Thank you--I'm very glad that it affected someone so. happy.png


My Twitter Account: @EbornIan

anybody looking for an artist? seems my team gonna be busy this year.

3. Because you have 3 people, i'd say just add her as your last teammate slot anyway. Even though shes not contributing with creating the game, she is helping in the participation category.

Ok my 4th member is:
Anna F - Official Poster / Beta Tester

anybody looking for an artist? seems my team gonna be busy this year.

That is unfortuante to hear, i've added you to the people looking for teams, hopefully you can find someone to work with this year!

I've also updated the splashscreen with all the new teams, and placed it in it's own category which should be much easier to find!(please let me know if i left out any teams)

Just under 48 hours remain before the start!

I'd also like to remind folks it is EST which is currently GMT-4
Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

I think I will give this a go, Sorry slicer4ever.

Team name: Something Fun

Members: ryan20fun


Using my own WIP engine, So basic stuff and no 2D (why does 2D have to be so hard :) ).

@riuthamus you interested in a collaboration(never done so before, so it will be a new experience for me)?

Never say Never, Because Never comes too soon. - ryan20fun

Disclaimer: Each post of mine is intended as an attempt of helping and/or bringing some meaningfull insight to the topic at hand. Due to my nature, my good intentions will not always be plainly visible. I apologise in advance and assure you I mean no harm and do not intend to insult anyone.

Using my own WIP engine, So basic stuff and no 2D (why does 2D have to be so hard ).

I know really. I started in 2D but now do exclusively 3D primarily because it is easier to teach and get others up to speed. With 3d I just fire-up blender make a scene and then spit it out to whatever engine i'm using then add code.

With 2D EVERYTHING has to be specifically coded it seems.


Hi guys, I`m new here, this is actualy my first post, I'm glad to join this community smile.png

Team name: gamedevis

Members: AngeReveur


Engine: My own engine

Language: C++

Graphics: PhotoImpact X3

Music & Sound Effects: royalty free


Hi guys, I`m new here, this is actualy my first post, I'm glad to join this community smile.png

Team name: gamedevis
Members: AngeReveur

Engine: My own engine
Language: C++
Graphics: PhotoImpact X3
Music & Sound Effects: royalty free

Great to have you! also, interesting site name=-)
Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

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