
What would you do.

Started by May 15, 2015 10:24 AM
22 comments, last by thatguyfromthething 9 years, 3 months ago

Ok so It's been 2 weeks since I started a new job at a hardware shop, First time in retail.

Dueing the 2 weeks I can see that there making me do all the work serve, stack, do all the heavy lifting, its like there trying to just over load me with new stuff, I forgot my pin number(like I had that all me working life).they even want you to work late for no pay like 5 to 10 minute before and after work, like thats not to bad but to day a Coworker was talking to me about his hydro tomatoes for about 5 min I was just near cutting open a box just listening to him and the boss comes over and says you not aloud to talk, what the hell you can't talk to coworker for a brif while. And I dont get no rest all day walking.

I thinl I should tell them to shove the job up there ass.

Oh and there check out program lets you scan in Item into any old editbox on the screen lol the one that the bar codes are meant to be read in are not selected by default. One day I logged in to make a sale started scanning the items look up after scaned 10 items and all the edit boxes had the items and no sales funny how that stuff get to market. damn whis my well written programs sold.

Welcome to the real world, were a lot of commercial programs are written by the cheapest Chinese or Indian programmer available !

Just wait until you run into Frankenstein legacy programs that are so spaghettied no one knows how they work anymore !

I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


woa, its the 90's again

Mobile Developer at PawPrint Games ltd.

(Not "mobile" as in I move around a lot, but as in phones, mobile phone developer)

(Although I am mobile. no, not as in a babies mobile, I move from place to place)

(Not "place" as in fish, but location.)

Hey, did you get your trophy just for showing up yet? If they don't give you a trophy just for showing up, you should rage quit. You're entitled.

Stephen M. Webb
Professional Free Software Developer

Yup thats just how retail works.

1. I'd choose a better topic

2. I'd clarify why you do the work. Are you doing a shitty job because you need money? then continue working and in the mean time look out for a better job. are you doing it for fun? then quit, that was the wrong choice obviously.

Doesn't sound particularly unusual for a retail job. If you want or need the money you'll just have to put up with a lot of it.

a Coworker was talking to me about his hydro tomatoes for about 5 min I was just near cutting open a box just listening to him and the boss comes over and says you not aloud to talk, what the hell you can't talk to coworker for a brif while.

Remember that you are being paid to work. Most bosses will be reasonable about allowing some friendly chatter as long as you're also working, but effectively stopping for five minutes is not really being productive on your part. You can always socialise before or after work and/or during scheduled breaks.

And I dont get no rest all day walking.

Again, you're being paid to work rather than to rest. I don't know what country you're in, but here in Australia it is legally required that you be given specific breaks during a shift depending on the length of the shift. If you're not being given fair breaks you may be entitled to complain, but otherwise you should expect to be working during your scheduled hours.

they even want you to work late for no pay like 5 to 10 minute before and after work

Before and after work is your own time, and you shouldn't feel obligated to work during that time. If your boss isn't ok with that and you aren't desperate for the money you should probably leave and look for another job, but often you just need to assert yourself and set some standards about not working in your own time.

I've worked in a workplace where it's normal for people to help out unpaid for a few minutes before their shift and quite common for people to stay back (they are paid for this) after the end of their shifts, but because I made a habit of setting and sticking to a proper schedule no one ever just expected me to stay back like most other employees; where other workers would just be assigned an additional task without question that they would stay back, I would very rarely be asked very nicely if I would mind staying back to complete some specific task.

Find out the laws in your country so that you know your rights, and then stand up for yourself.

Retail is often pretty crappy, but it is reasonable to expect you to work during scheduled hours, and it can be alright if you find a good workplace and stand up for your rights.

- Jason Astle-Adams

The thing is before I started I said I also have a morning job on Monday and Fridays from 7 to 9 and now there setting my shifts to 9 to 5.20 on them days. they don't respect me. They should of said before hiring me that they want 9 am starts.

I thought maybe retail would be fun.
I'm starting to think that being in prison would be a lot nicer then where I am now. Some one who has committed no crime has no rights of talking to fellow inmates and no it wasn't that long and the only time I think I have no time or energy to waste on people like that.

Oh and I clicked that link feel for the guy. ??? wonder how he went. It's a shame people think they can treat others bad.

I thought maybe retail would be fun.

The only people that think that are people that haven't worked in retail.

I'm starting to think that being in prison would be a lot nicer then where I am now. Some one who has committed no crime has no rights of talking to fellow inmates and no it wasn't that long and the only time I think I have no time or energy to waste on people like that.


Welcome to real life. Get use to it, or have fun being an unemployed homeless bum .

* grumbles about how kids think they are entitled to everything now-a-days *

I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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