
Best engine for developing a 2D roguelike

Started by May 03, 2015 08:54 PM
14 comments, last by laztrezort 9 years, 8 months ago

Use Monogame.

You won't have to put up with the insane amount of tools in usual 3D engines like Unity, and it might be faster (Not sure, just thinking it might be, considering it doesn't have to use all the stuff Unity does).

What will you make?

Use Monogame.

You won't have to put up with the insane amount of tools in usual 3D engines like Unity, and it might be faster (Not sure, just thinking it might be, considering it doesn't have to use all the stuff Unity does).

This is an option, but actually making the game would probably be easier in Unity despite 'all of the stuff', especially if you want to make any handcrafted areas such as villages, because you'll probably end up needing some sort of editor for that.

You can extend Unity's editors, set up your maps/regions/whatever, and then have everything save into the scene, instead of having to figure out how to save it all yourself. Game Maker would likely be even easier than this, since they have simpler, quicker support for tilemaps and let you place them properly into the environment right from the editor.



Interesting. I'm torn between Game Maker and Unity now. The game I'm going to try to create will be similar to Nuclear Throne, Catacomb Kids, The Binding of Isaac or something along those lines.

There is a Unity tutorial on making a 2D roguelike.

libtcod is quite impressive if it's the sort of thing you're after. I'd give you a link but the site seems to be having issues at the moment.

Have you looked through the rogue basin articles ( yet? There are quite a few tutorial/articles for writing an RL in various languages, such as C#:

I've never used those libraries (except for libtcod mentioned above many years ago), but I did roll my own using OpenTK as the rendering backend, using the aforementioned libtcode as an API inspiration. An older version of my lib can be found here if you're interested (at least until Google Code goes away):

Note that all of this assumes you are going for a more "old school" roguelike (ASCII or simple tile art, etc.).

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