
Where can i start and how?

Started by April 15, 2015 08:53 PM
14 comments, last by Ovicior 9 years, 9 months ago

Hi everyone,

I love the idea of making games and i have a lot of ideas for games and i really want to get into game development but i have no idea where to start.

First i don't know what language to learn, because i don't know what it's the best for 2D video games. C++ and Java are the ones i was thinking to get into but i have no idea which one of them to pick. I know that C++ it's used for 3D AAA games and it's popular but i don't really know if it's good for 2D not so big games, and it's actually hard to learn. I was thinking about Java but i heard that it's slower than C++ and it's more for web-based apps and games. So if you guys can tell me what language should i learn and how to start off making video games like if you know a tutorial that is good for what i'm looking for i would really appreciate your help. And i wanna use a game engine so if you know a tutorial that it's based on how to make games, in C++/Java, in that engine that would be great. :P

P.S. I am not that much of a noob when it comes to programming, i understand what variables are and the type of variables, kind of understand what loops are and how to use them, if else statements and stuff like that. That's because i worked with GML (Game Maker Language), it's very easy to learn and that's why i used it to make some little games in Game Maker: Studio. I also read (not all of it just 30%) a python tutorial for game making with pygame.

I would start programming games with C++. Most games are programmed with it as it is the most used language for game making.


Moving to For Beginners. The FAQ has much good advice on how to begin.

While C++ is currently the industry standard for engines, beware that it is often a bad choice for your first programming language. More on that in the FAQ.

The next ten people will recommend that you use Unity. happy.png

IMHO, neither C++ nor Unity (C#) is "the one and true" way to start your game development thing going.

It does not matter what language you choose, what tech you pick initially.

What matters is that it actually manages to get you started.

Don't listen to people evangelizing one tech over the other - contrary to "common belief" most (if not all) the experience carries over when you switch language/engine/tech.

Pick any engine and any language which appeals to you - and don't worry about it.

Too many projects; too much time

Hi everyone,

I love the idea of making games and i have a lot of ideas for games and i really want to get into game development but i have no idea where to start.

First i don't know what language to learn, because i don't know what it's the best for 2D video games. C++ and Java are the ones i was thinking to get into but i have no idea which one of them to pick. I know that C++ it's used for 3D AAA games and it's popular but i don't really know if it's good for 2D not so big games, and it's actually hard to learn. I was thinking about Java but i heard that it's slower than C++ and it's more for web-based apps and games. So if you guys can tell me what language should i learn and how to start off making video games like if you know a tutorial that is good for what i'm looking for i would really appreciate your help. And i wanna use a game engine so if you know a tutorial that it's based on how to make games, in C++/Java, in that engine that would be great. tongue.png

P.S. I am not that much of a noob when it comes to programming, i understand what variables are and the type of variables, kind of understand what loops are and how to use them, if else statements and stuff like that. That's because i worked with GML (Game Maker Language), it's very easy to learn and that's why i used it to make some little games in Game Maker: Studio. I also read (not all of it just 30%) a python tutorial for game making with pygame.

As L. has said before, take advantage of your youthful ability to learn. That is, presuming you are young.

Perhaps start with C# or C and move to C++

Out of those two, C# is probably a good choice to start out with.

I'm a newbie like you, and started with C# (Microsoft's ripoff of Java). I later (as of now) started learning C++.

Nightlone has made this comparison (Don't know if he stole it): C# is like a watergun. C++ is a real gun. It's easier to hurt yourself with a real gun.

What will you make?

First i don't know what language to learn, because i don't know what it's the best for 2D video games.

The best language is whatever you happen to be using. C++, C#, Java, Python, etc, can all be used to make a 2D game.

Eventually you'll likely end up learning multiple languages, so worry less about picking the "right" one right off the bat and just pick one and start programming.



Don't start with C++. It is too forgiving of bad coding habits, so beginners should choose another language.

There are many languages which would be okay, but C#, Java, Python, C, and a few others are good for beginners.

Choose a game engine. Next make some simple applications with it first before you start making games. Your first 3-5 games should be very simple.



Research! smile.png

Stay enthused about it and work hard.

Personal life and your private thoughts always effect your career. Research is the intellectual backbone of game development and the first order. Version Control is crucial for full management of applications and software. The better the workflow pipeline, then the greater the potential output for a quality game. Completing projects is the last but finest order.

by Clinton, 3Ddreamer

There are alot tutorials on c++ and most gaming books are written for c++. Next, probally visual basic. Visual basic has lots of stuff. And visual is a good *starting language but will be for older out dated. either part will work good.

C++ is a complex language that is not noob friendly.

It appears simple enough on the surface but is very close to the metal which means the developer is responsible for resource management and cleanup. You really need to understand it well or you are in for a world of pain. Stuff like smart pointers have come in that help but if you are new-ish to development you could end up spending a vast amount of time chasing down stupid bugs, pointer issues, memory leaks and the like.

A far better entry are languages like C# or Java, my preference is C#. While C# started as a poor Java clone in V1 it has grown and surpassed Java in all areas, Things like its generics system, lambda and closures, Linq have left Java trying to play catch up ever since.

C# is becoming a real multi paradigm language by pushing further and further into the Functional space and has become far better language for it smile.png

If you really want to push on with C++ I would say read "The Design and Evolution of C++" as you will gain much insight into the structure of the core language, why it is as it is etc.

I think there are at least 3 topics like this a day here.

Maybe starting with the "search" feature of the forum would be a better idea. Replies are always the same anyway. And no, there's no a best language to start with. All requires passion and study, all have their drawbacks. Go for sympathy.

That said, I like c++ rolleyes.gif (and there's a lot of resources/use cases/forum threads for it)

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