How do you guys create animated sprites (specially 8 bit style)? You do manually (draw the movements pixel by pixel), or use a 3d animation and generate the images (Blender 3D)?
Thanks for the answer!
How do you guys create animated sprites (specially 8 bit style)? You do manually (draw the movements pixel by pixel), or use a 3d animation and generate the images (Blender 3D)?
Thanks for the answer!
The answer to both can be yes. Back before interactive 3D graphics, most sprites were hand drawn, however, I know of games made during this time that used 3D animation software to create the sprites. It depends on the desired look and the knowledge and skill of the artist, as well as available tools.
The answer to both can be yes. Back before interactive 3D graphics, most sprites were hand drawn, however, I know of games made during this time that used 3D animation software to create the sprites. It depends on the desired look and the knowledge and skill of the artist, as well as available tools.
Do you know a good tool to make sprite animations (instead of use 3d software)?
I know there are several, but I cannot think of them. :/ I've always used a standard image editor package.
You might want to ask in Visual Arts.
One thing to consider is that most sprite-based games today are rendered via a 3D API like OpenGL or DirectX using shaders. Using a 3D program makes it easy to create specular, diffuse and normal maps of your sprites. This allows, if the game design permits, dynamic lighting of your sprites. This can be done by hand, but it is extremely difficult.
I do it pixel by pixel in a program called GraphicsGale. I definitely recommend it. This is what it looks like:
Hope this helps!
You can check out Spine over at http://esotericsoftware.com/ nice little piece of software for animations. I learned about it over at Livecoding.tv when one of the developers on there is using it I watched him. Also warning it does cost money so if that isn't for you then I apologize, I definitely think it is worth the money however.
I do it pixel by pixel in a program called GraphicsGale. I definitely recommend it. This is what it looks like:
Hope this helps!
You can check out Spine over at http://esotericsoftware.com/ nice little piece of software for animations. I learned about it over at Livecoding.tv when one of the developers on there is using it I watched him. Also warning it does cost money so if that isn't for you then I apologize, I definitely think it is worth the money however.
They looks very good!!! But I will have to buy them to use in a commercial game (well, it will be free but with advertising), so when I get money I will buy one of them or both. Anyway, thank you!!!
They looks very good!!! But I will have to buy them to use in a commercial game (well, it will be free but with advertising), so when I get money I will buy one of them or both. Anyway, thank you!!!
Hmm. If you need something for right now, you could also use Gimp. It's a free software that can be used for sprites and animation. You can use the pencil tool and set it to 1px to get the same kind of functionality as well.