
Can you do laundry in a dishwasher?

Started by March 18, 2015 06:08 PM
35 comments, last by Gian-Reto 9 years, 6 months ago

Why not wash your dishes in the washing machine instead? You might want to get all plastic dishes... but it's worth a try.

Could you imagine the noise?

Why not wash your dishes in the washing machine instead? You might want to get all plastic dishes... but it's worth a try.

Could you imagine the noise?

Just add enough softener


Or start using cloth dishes.

(Admittedly, cloth knives and forks are probably... somewhat less effective than their metal brethren--but that seems worth it for the convenience, surely! :D)


My Twitter Account: @EbornIan

Why not wash your dishes in the washing machine instead? You might want to get all plastic dishes... but it's worth a try.

Could you imagine the noise?

Skip the tumble dry, you can just hang them to dry. Especially the stemware.

Stephen M. Webb
Professional Free Software Developer

It will work absolutely fine. You can completely trust me on this as I am an expert.
I'm an expert too, I have more than 15000 ideas on laundry with a dishwasher, it will totally work.


My journals: dustArtemis ECS framework and Making a Terrain Generator

It will work absolutely fine. You can completely trust me on this as I am an expert.
I'm an expert too, I have more than 15000 ideas on laundry with a dishwasher, it will totally work.

Are you laundering a hockey puck? :lol:

I heard you need really good AI to do that...


I support that. Pics or it didn't happen!

What would the pics be off though? Just sad, limp, damp clothes on a dishwasher rack?

Depending on the dishwasher model, the clothing, and where he put the cloths in there, there might be all kind of neat details to be seen on the machine.... like clothing getting stuck where it shouldn't be, nice stains from yesterdays dinner leftover that got stuck somewhere in the machine on your undies, and so on....

I want to see the devastation from any angle possible and in all the gory details!

Why not wash your dishes in the washing machine instead? You might want to get all plastic dishes... but it's worth a try.

Could you imagine the noise?

The epic start for a new music track!

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