
Can you do laundry in a dishwasher?

Started by March 18, 2015 06:08 PM
35 comments, last by Gian-Reto 9 years, 6 months ago

Epic thread if I've ever seen one

How about just taking your shower with the clothes on? There, done two things at once... for maximum effciency, also take your dishes into the shower!

I actually do know someone who does that and I don't think it really works quite as well as you'd expect...

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!


Howdy Y'all,

I was wondering if anybody has tried doing laundry in the dishwasher. It takes a lot of effort to go to the laundromat.

Probably use dishsoap as I heard detergent will flood your house. Likewise probably use a 2x4 to provide support for the top rack as soaked clothes would probably break the rack.

Beyond the effort required to walk to the laundromat, why would you put your clothes in the dishwasher???

Why not just buy a cheap second hand washing machine rather than risk damage to your dishwasher that will probably cost more than the cost of a washing machine?

Getting washing detergent out of all the nooks and crannies in your dishwasher isn't an easy or fun task (ever tried to clean out the congealed dishwasher salt and fat from the workings?) and you don't want all your pots tasting like Arial Bold Bio...

It will work absolutely fine. You can completely trust me on this as I am an expert.

Don't forget to post afterwards pictures to show how well it works.

Maybe you are focusing too hard on getting them clean, instead of not getting them dirty in the first place. For starters, how about you wear those clothes only half the time? They would last twice as long. Combine that with wearing them inside out (four times as long) and back to front (eight times as long), and you can considerably procrastinate the cleaning issue.

You can cook fish in a dishwasher, and make interesting liqueurs, but it needs to be clean from soap and so on at the time.

If you want to clean cloths, do so by hand in the bath (if you have one). Are you sure your local laundry place doesn't do collection/delivery, ours does?


I actually do know someone who does that and I don't think it really works quite as well as you'd expect...

Given how little I would expect of that idea... wow! That must really suck in reality ;)

On a less funny note, I guess somewhere in the world somebody has no other choice than doing just that (like some documentary about some places in India, where people are taking theit bath and do their laundry at the same time in the Ganges... apart from burning their death and religious ceremonies), so I guess it ain't so funny when you think long enough about it.

Don't forget to post afterwards pictures to show how well it works.

I support that. Pics or it didn't happen!

I support that. Pics or it didn't happen!

What would the pics be off though? Just sad, limp, damp clothes on a dishwasher rack?

I think you gotta GoPro™ that shiz.

A washing machine takes like only 1 squaremeter of space, unless you live in one of those chinese 1.7m x 80cm bed-only-cages it should be no problem to put it somewhere. Considering you have space for a dishwasher, which is basically same size and a more fancy appliance, this can only be meant as a joke, right?

Why not wash your dishes in the washing machine instead? You might want to get all plastic dishes... but it's worth a try.

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