
Is this concerning or just laughable?

Started by March 01, 2015 04:55 AM
266 comments, last by rip-off 9 years, 6 months ago

Anita Sarkeesian has no credibility or experience whatsoever in the field of game development. Who is she to dictate how games must be made?

3 posts earlier....

What interests me is that in any discussion of Sarkeesians work, the discussion almost instantly turns into a series of Ad Hominems ... that does not render her existing critique of the current state of the AAA industry invalid


She just did a panel where she basically said women shouldn't be able to have choice because their choices could have a diverse effect on all women

Oh FFS.... what is it with you and your complete and total inability to understand the difference between an opinion and a command?

She said "some choices that women make have an enormous negative impact on other women's lives ... even if an individual woman can make patriarchy work for her, it's still a losing game for the rest of the women on the planet.... when we talk about being a feminist, that means being committed to something much larger than ourselves".

She didn't say that "women shouldn't be able to have choice", she said feminists should think about their choices and how they affect other women. Pretty goddamn self-evident.

Once again, she never says they shouldn't have choice, she says that choice in and of itself, is not empowerment. She's also saying that even these choices are limited compared to men.

Every oppressed group in history has had a choice to make their personal situation better to the detriment of their peers.

if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

Yet she doesn't seem to be giving us developers a choice to express our games the way we see fit, but she's commanding us to follow a set of guidelines she's pulled out of her arse.

"I would try to find halo source code by bungie best fps engine ever created, u see why call of duty loses speed due to its detail." -- GettingNifty

Even the Intel deal was basically a result of this lunacy, after Leigh Alexander was made a target.

"made a target" is subjective for me when I look at a few facts. Alexander wrote the article proclaiming the gamer identify dead and telling developer that gamers didn't have to be their audience. That article can be viewed as an attack on the gamers that make up GamerGate, but also clumped all gamers together.

Okay, so let's backtrack a tiny bit - it occurs to me now that people might not know why I brought Leigh Alexander up, given that this thread is supposed to be strictly about Sarkeesian.

First, here's the article you mentioned:

Which, eh. Feel how you want about it, I don't care. It's an opinion piece, but it was featured quite prominently on Gamasutra's front page (whose traffic is pretty trivial, in the grand scheme of things). What happened as a result of this, though, was that the mob went after Gamasutra's advertisers, and Intel naively stepped in it before fully understanding what'd happened. They pulled their ads from the site, and then things kinda blew up. Fast forward a few months and they start a "diversity initiative" thing with Sarkeesian as a prominent (but not the only) part of it. Don't know if they're totally cause and effect, but Sarkeesian's involvement almost certainly was.

That's why I mentioned it. This isn't open season on talking about all the people GG is obsessed with. Which brings me to the rest of your post - you parroted the same creepy obsession with Wu and Harper again. Did you complain about Grayson or Kuchera? You know, the actual journalists? No. You're mad about a snarky comment on the Rev60 release notes, and a sarcastic post on Greenlight's forums. Harper tweeted mean things about the chan sites, and put some of your e-buddies on a block list. Why in hell do you care? Not to mention this statement: "Most of her proof has no actual proof it is from a member of GamerGate." Which is a notion you tear down in depth in your own blog post - GamerGate is anyone who wants to be GamerGate, good or bad. You said so yourself.

Do you have at least some concept that this is maybe why nobody on GDNet is particularly friendly to these viewpoints? Here's a hint: nobody here fucking cares about Wu, or Harper, or Quinn, or Rev 60, or SJWs, or twitter block lists, or even who was dating who. We don't want any part of the 4chan culture, let alone the distorted apocalyptic version that is 8chan. We don't care that Tim Schafer made a mean joke about NotYourShield. Nearly everything that KIA is angry about on a daily basis is a boring, pointless, circlejerking waste of time. Guarantee you, almost nobody here even knows who Harper is right now. So every time you complain that Brianna Wu was super mean to your online friends, the rest of us are just rolling our eyes and hoping you'll stop acting like a child. Nobody. cares.

It's time to face reality. You feel personally threatened at an emotional level by these women. You feel personally offended by their commentary on GG and 8ch. You almost reflexively repeat GG claims and memes, even when they're in conflict with the logical half of your mind. So BHXSpecter, here's the thing: you need to look inwards and seriously confront a chronic case of group identity that is doing considerable damage to your ability to look at these events in a rational way, and is morphing (or has morphed) into a distinctly creepy, unhealthy obsession with women who have no impact on or relationship to your life or even the broader concept of gamer culture. Until you can deal with the emotional tie ups bouncing around in your head, I don't know what you hope to accomplish here.

SlimDX | Ventspace Blog | Twitter | Diverse teams make better games. I am currently hiring capable C++ engine developers in Baltimore, MD.

Yet she doesn't seem to be giving us developers a choice to express our games the way we see fit, but she's commanding us to follow a set of guidelines she's pulled out of her arse.

I think your post is terrible and you should jump off a cliff.

Go on, do it. I commanded you to, didn't I?

Do you feel any particular compulsion to jump off a cliff? No?

That's because it's an opinion. I'm not seeking legislation to force you to jump off a cliff, I'm not holding a gun to your head or threatening your family.

I might be saying that I have no interest in reading your posts until you jump off the cliff, but that's your choice.

It surprises me that I have to explain this.

Put it this way. If your game has bugs and crappy gameplay, I'm not buying it. If it hides most of the content behind shitty dlc, I'm not buying it. Those are my criteria for not buying your game. Sarkeesian is laying out hers. It's not censorship, it's criticism.

I'm not buying Hatred or Mortal Kombat X either, because I think they're puerile. Am I attempting to censor them?

if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

Do you feel any particular compulsion to jump off a cliff? No?

That's because it's an opinion.

I'm sure if you got funded 300 million by Intel, were in control of tens of thousands of angry women, and had enough political influence, you would be able to make me jump off the cliff.

Don't be this naive. Anita Sarkeesian is enforcing her standards wherever she can. This is far more than a simple opinion. Do you really think a person who has devoted years of her life into this crap isn't going to try and command everyone to follow her standards?
"I would try to find halo source code by bungie best fps engine ever created, u see why call of duty loses speed due to its detail." -- GettingNifty

Do you really think a person who has devoted years of her life into this crap isn't going to try and command everyone to follow her standards?

He's not saying she won't try to get people to change, he's saying a large number of people simply won't do so, in much the same way that you're choosing not to jump off a cliff.

If ChaosEngine used his 300 million in funding to have you pushed off a cliff that would be different, but unless you already have other problems in your life pre-disposing you to it using that money in a media campaign (bearing in mind that the campaign wouldn't be aimed specifically at you, but at "gamer culture" and the development community as a whole) simply isn't going to make you jump.

Anita isn't pushing people off a cliff, but rather very strongly suggesting that they should jump, and that others who share her opinion should make the same suggestion. Unless she makes a persuasive enough case or they were already inclined to do so there's no reason anyone needs to actually give in to her wishes.

- Jason Astle-Adams


I'm sure if you got funded 300 million by Intel

That says enough about the level of comprehension and logic we're dealing with here...
Who needs facts when you've got accidental hyperbole of that level.

Figures Gawker was trying to harvest clickbait adsense. From reading about that article and it's repurcussions, I see it costed Gawker 7 figures of advertiser dropoffs, and had a part in making Nick Denton step down? A+

Figures Gawker was trying to harvest clickbait adsense. From reading about that article and it's repurcussions, I see it costed Gawker 7 figures of advertiser dropoffs, and had a part in making Nick Denton step down? A+



These are different words. These are different publications. Whatever you read about it, purge and start over because you screwed up.

SlimDX | Ventspace Blog | Twitter | Diverse teams make better games. I am currently hiring capable C++ engine developers in Baltimore, MD.

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