The rgb color space is based on human visual perception, not on fundamental laws of physics? Ok, why would we use it for 3d graphics then?
I've been able to find out that there are two major kinds of lighting: additive and subtractive.
A surface can reflect multiple light sources and combine there colors, that's additive.
A surface can absorb some or all of the light from multiple light sources, that subtractive.
In my first source code I was only doing additive, oops. Or could the division by 4 be considered subtractive?
What about distance? Would this work?
l = k/d^2
where l is luminosity, k is intensity at source, and d is distance from source.
Ignotum perignotius: The unknown explained by the still more unknown
Edited by - Abstract Thought on November 12, 2001 7:23:02 PM
Only by art can we get outside ourselves; instead of seeing only one world, our own, we see it under multiple forms.