Hi guys!
First of, I'd like to know people from around the world who are beginners like me and who are into game dev. If you feel you are open minded, creative an easy going with others you have a friend here . Just send me a private message or something.
My name is Ruben Idigora, I am studying game development in Spain first year, but I have been studying Multimedia so I can code a little. I started Object Oriented Programming and now there is a game project that needs to be done.
The problem is that I have no idea how to plan my code as I have never planned such a big project, and in our uni they are only focused on c++ learning with little examples.
What I did to assess this problem is to try UML or even drawing it on a notebook but I don't know which classes are usually used in game development except for the characters in the game, monsters etc. Is there like a game Manager class which controls everything?
Ok, so my question is, can you point me to some resources that show the components of a game like the main loop, usual etc.. or just explain them to me?
Just any piece of information will be appreciated.