quote: Original post by BeerNutts
With ye old 8086 8MHz, I had a 20MB hard-drive, and it cost me 300 bucks (OK, it cost my parents 300 bucks for Christmas; I was 11 years old).
I was 8 when we got that machine. Yeah, Poppa paid.
quote: Then I got a 300 baud modem, and, damn, I got beat for calling all those long distance BBS''s!
Sadly, I didn''t have a modem till I was 15 (and in Germany)...
quote: It sure was fun back then.
The most important thing is how much it taught us - about hardware, about software. Running Microsoft ShowPartner in "yellow-scale" and learning to draw with ZSoft PC Paintbrush 1.0 ... those were the days.
I wanna work for Microsoft!