So i'm trying to load multiple files from a directory with for loop but i keep getting access violation and very strange path string.
Here is what i get in my path variable:
and here is the code used to make that variable:
Animation::Animation(std::string name, int framecount)
char path[MAX_PATH];
char *ext = ".bmp";
frames = new SDL_Surface*[framecount];
for (int k = 0; k < framecount; k++) {
frames[k] = NULL;
sprintf(path, "data/%s/f%i%s", name, k, ext);
SDL_Surface *img = load_image(path);
memset(&path[0], 0, sizeof(path)); // Clear tmp
maxFrames = framecount;
currentFrame = 0;
I'm sure i'm doing something wrong with the char array but i just cant see it.