
Looking for C++ engine for 2D isometric game

Started by August 23, 2014 08:05 AM
3 comments, last by KevinChuca 10 years, 5 months ago

Hey guys, I'm a bit frustrated because I've been researching a lot about this and I seem unable to find anything that suits my needs.

Either they are abandoned projects, bad documented, without 2D support, etc.

What do a freelance game developer would use nowadays for a multiplataform 2D isometric game?

Thanks in advance for any suggestion.

You might want to look into FIFE, while it is written in C++ it seems that your game will be written in Python, which is a language worth learning, but it seems like you can do games in C++ as well. That said, I never used it and it is quite old (inactive that is), so you will have to look whether you like it.

You mentioned that you already looked at some projects, maybe telling us which you didn't like will keep us from bringing them up again.


Thanks for answering.

Tried FIFE already, discarded it after having some problems just starting, posted a couple messages at their forums and didn't get any answer, even when I was able to fix those issues myself it was clear the project is not active anymore.

Was ready to try Ogre too but I was told it would be overkill for 2D.

SFML looks interesting but it seems it lack of built in features for isometric worlds rendering.

Also considered a few more but I don't remember which ones now, I should have made a list.

You might give Urho3D a try. Grab the latest commits from the repo, rather than a release build, as there has been a lot of activity on the 2D side of things, including a tilemap structure with isometric capabilities. The chief drawback might be the documentation on the tilemap lacking a bit due to its newness, plus possible bugs.

Thank you, I'll give it a try

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