Okay. So. I’ve got a couple issues with the game I’m making, and they’re all sort of related.
I've been working solo on a small game, mostly off-and-on for around 9 months called Crystal. It’s a game based around manipulating gravity. You can attach gravity to objects in the game, like rocks and platforms and walls and the like, to do things like scaling walls and fling yourself (and enemies and bullets and set pieces) in and across gaps, solve puzzles, you know the deal.
Here’s a few screens of the game, currently. Ignore the programmer and placeholder art
(Sorry for the lack of a video. I can never seem to record at better than 15fps video, toasteroven resolution. My computer’s a little old )
My biggest issues are:
1) It’s still in the prototyping stages. Over the months I've done a lot of deving, backtracking, all around trying to find a suitable artstyle for the game, wrestling with efficiency issues, trying to make complete levels, etc.
2) I don’t really have the time to keep working on it. College freshmen stuff is happening, and getting another job and not going up to my eyeballs in debt is the top of my priorities, since bankruptcy and all the other obvious solutions don’t liquidate federal student debt here in America
3) My game… isn’t really fun. And it’s been like that for a while.
While the first problem, I see now in hindsight, might or might not have been a waste of my time, even though it’s been a very eye-opening experience, you know, working on a game this size. It’s my first time, if you can’t tell . The second issue is a little beyond my control.
The third problem is a little bigger, and it’s what I've been working on for most of the game/prototype’s development. I feel like it has potential, ya know? I feel like it can be made into a really fun game, and if I ever got around to multiplayer support, it could really excel.
The fun of the game appears in a few key points, namely:
1) When the gravity wells do something completely unexpected to your trajectory, like slingshot you instead of pulling you, or when the gravity wells end up slinging an enemy where you didn’t expect, so you have to ninja-move your way to safety using gravity to your advantage
2) Speedrunning the levels are really fun, again, due to slingshotting, jumping into the gravity to increase your initial velocity, or coming up with other strats that decrease level times
Neither of those points are fun unto themselves. Being tossed around like a ragdoll isn’t necessarily fun all the time. Speedrunning a level is only really fun the second time through a level (unless you’re playing Rayman Origins. Then it’s fun all the time, but Rayman’s an exception). I've made a few dozen levels so far, but none of them really feel all that… fun.
So. That’s my problem in a nutshell.
I don’t know whether or not to stop developing the game/prototype/thingy, even though it’s *possible* I can complete it, and make money off of it to start paying my student loans, even though I don’t really think it’s “fun” enough and it might never be. Or scrap it, turn it open source, be a Good Samaritan. Or I could convert it to a web-based version, let peeps comment, suggest ideas, improvements along the way, even if that suffers from the whole early-access problems.
Any comments/suggestions/personal experience/good advice/general empathy you can give? I’m kinda stuck between something I really *want* to do and don’t have the time to do it, or I could stop working on it as much, maybe loose interest, maybe go into deep existential depression, maybe suffer from bitbucket login information loss, or other such catastrophe.
Sorry for the wall of self-pity, asking 10thousand questions at once, and all that other stuff that populates these forums a lot, but… as far as I can tell, I’m kind of stuck, and I don’t know what to do