2. The "win or death" choice. To me this is just bad design. Sure, you "can" play as the necromancer character who relies purely on minions to protect your character and deal damage, but if you ignore their buff/debuff skill tree and the direct attack skills, then you will be totally steamrolled by mid game and will be forced to restart from the beginning because the choices you made were completely unworkable. Or you "can" choose to use the shotgun instead of the sword, but you won't be able to complete the game with it because you'll run out of ammo.
Win or Death is basically a single line or narrow line of choices that lead to victory and additional choices that all lead to defeat, but the game leads you to suggest they are all equally valid. These have to be VERY carefully watched for. They can work in a game, but you risk annoying the player.
I don't see this exactly as a "Illusion of Choice". I agree with the first one, mostly noticed in adventure games in my opinion (like most of the Legend Of Zelda franchise). But, this one, i think that's actually an unbalanced game, more than "Illusion of Choice". It merely depends on what was the intention of the game designers, if it was to truly make an "easy way" or an "hard way", or simply they weren't able to make the classes "equally playable". Sometimes, this can't even be done, where some ways just needs more gaming mechanics, like using the "Unarmed" skill on Fallout 3 or Fallout New Vegas, it's hard as hell.
Using this in League of Legends, for example. Sure, the game have more than one hundred playable characters with different skills, and they try to make it every single one playable, still i'm not sure if they intently make "powerful champions" and left the other ones used, or they just aren't able to make all of them playable. And, still, there's at least 1 patch per month, changing champions mechanics and skills power trying to make it balanced to the game.
I think that the worst problem that "win or death" causes it's the feeling of losing time. For example, when you spend hours on an MMORPG trying to improve your "miner skill", and when it's almost at maximum, you discovers that it's just pointless. You gonna through all this suffering to finally realizes that what you were doing was a complete waste of time.
It is also related to what I refer to as a precognition door choice. You present the user with two or more doors. Behind one is treasure, and behind the other is a horde of angry shot gun wielding clowns who will near instantly kill you no matter what you do after that door is opened. During your first play through they are both equally valid choices, but the player is not given any information on that 'choice', and therefore is forced to pick at random. The player is then punished for being stupid and not picking the 'one and only correct' door, and must restart/reload, from where they can then select the 'correct' option only after they have already viewed the outcome. To me these are simply annoying and frustrating, and make for an easy reason for me to hit the power switch and just go outside or something.
I don't exatcly think this as a problem. Yeah, sure, the situation you presented is completely pointless. You're like having fun killing things with a shotgun, than saves, than see yourself with the two doors and only one opportunity to choice, which one leads to death and the other one to eternal glory, and if you choose death, you just reload and now choose the right door. This situation, and only itself, is pointless. But, for example, imagine a game like Dark Soul, a game which challenge is at maximum, dying is so freakin bad, and bad choices have fuckin importants feedbacks. That door, with clowns that will kill you, sure will be effective. It won't be like "oh great, now i have to reload and choose the right door". It will be like "FUCKIN LORD I JUST DIED? WHY THE FUCK DID THAT HAPPENED?". Yeah, this reaction can be good or bad (if you want to make a game where the player will almost give up 99% time, this will be just great).
The situation itself can be completely pointless, but combined with other components, can be a really nice feature.
For me, the worst about choices, it's when your choice is completely meaningless. I mean, not illusional meaningless, when it's really just waste of time. For example, recently i tried to play Final Fantasy XIV a Realm Reborn, and when i'm creating my avatar, styling it as my unique avatar, there's a moment when i have to decide which god do my character believes in, and what the birthday of my character (both of them are from the universe of ff xiv). But this just affects NOTHING. Really, it doesn't make a fuckin change all along the world. It doesn't give you buffs or nerfs, it doesn't give you nothing. You're just there trying to decide something you won't even will use. And you won't even remember. Sure, the color of your hair you will be staring at least forever, but there is no point in saying that you were born in "the 27th sun of the 4th Umbral Moon". Really.