Though I really like the process of creating games, I can't think of any interesting idea for a game to make. I made 2 very small games based on my own idea before, but they turns out pretty bad. The only game I made that my friends would even consider playing are tinkered clones of retro games.
I have been making games for about 10 years now as hobby but it wasn't in the last year that I really started to think about what makes a game fun. I always assumed that all it takes is a good idea for a game to be fun, but it turns execution of that idea is just as important.
I started reading this book and it has made me realize how much work goes into making a game fun. By duplicating other games, you can bring in a lot of the mechanics and balance of the existing game to make yours fun without even knowing it. When you create your own idea, you need to balance the game.
This involves taking a look at your ideas and evaluating what makes it fun, what ruins the experience, and what needs tweaking. Then you take that information and make changes to your game and evaluate it again. Your original ideas may not have been bad, they just needed some balancing.
Take a look at the core design values for league of legends, for example. In that article are a few of the many important things to think about when making a game fun. They have a focus on multiplayer, but many of it still applies to single player games too.