
My switch to 4k monitors

Started by May 12, 2014 02:28 AM
39 comments, last by davepermen 10 years, 4 months ago

Thanks samoth, interesting read. I have some old cables that I've connected my TV some years ago. How to check if they are fast enough?

I've bought last week this TV:

Any suggestions on how to connect it to my PC (i7, GTX770 etc. see second post here:

My PC is only about 3 meters from my new TV, hence I might later even try to replace my pc monitor. I would need some other TV rack.

I soon want to try in 3D Doom3BFG etc. if possible from Ubuntu. Does X-Plane support 3D?

Currently I have a 1680x1050 23", but am interested in upgrading - both screen physical size and PPI. Those 2560x1440 27" look good, but those 2560x1600 30" might suit me even better.

I tried two screens, and it was just too unsymmetrical for me. laugh.png

I'd rather make the jump from one monitor to three.

i got a 2560x1440 27" touchscreen recently. that's a joy, too.

Do you make good use of it being a touch-screen? I can't imagine myself reaching up from my keyboard and mouse to physically touch my monitor (a full arm's reach away) on a regular basis.

I prefer touch to mouse by now for most stuff. it's just so much more direct.

and yes, win8 with it is awesome. when you typically code, you have both hands on the keyboard. reaching the mouse, finding out where it is on screen, starting to target towards your goal, estimate the time till you reach, then click.

with touch, you just lift your hand (as you do for the mouse), and directly click it.

much less distraction.

in short: it's awesome. i guessed it is for long. now i know. vs on a 27" touchscreen plus keyboard ftw. (and still, the mouse is still there for when it's useful, so you don't LOSE anything, anyways)

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