hi everyone, i'm new to this site and anything related to this topic. nice to meet you all, kinda cool finding a site like this. anyway...
my second to last semester on network administration is ending, I have a break coming up and i want to take advantage of that time and start making a game. i have next to 0 experience in programming, art, audio and so on; however i do use autohotkey. i did dabble in C# and made a tic-tac-teo game that can detect stale mates, keep score, and switch player turns however I've forgotten most of it. which is one reason i'm making this game: to learn and retain what i will need when i make a move to become a game programmer for any of these brand named games.
so no experience, and i'm debating using a game engine or making one. i'm leaning towards making one to learn how to program, and i'm leaning towards C#. i'm getting my brother in on this as well, because his career goals i think are the same. i'm 25 and he's like 19 though. he doesn't have any experience in anything either. i already know what genre of game i want, a dungeon crawler on the windows 8/store platform for mobile, tablets, and pc's because i noticed the windows store doesn't have anything good in that area. as far as a plan goes that is all i got unfortunately. which is why i'm making this thread.
so my questions are:
is C# the only language i should learnt o make an engine, or do i need to learn python as well?
having no experience in anything, is there a downside to learning C#, as in: does it have a limitation a novice wouldn't know about? like do i loose customization because it's a high-level language? or does it have a performance hit if not used on the right platform or way? im just asking for really really basic things about what it means to use a language before diving in
before i even touch code, art, and sound: what are some TO DO's that i absolutely should do before hand? like should i create a design paper thing before hand, can i even do that without knowing any code? things like that
i kinda threw a lot out there, i just don't want to jump in and find out that i need to start over because of something i should have known/done before this even starts.