Hi, I have a few questions and was hoping you could help point me in the right direction.
I basically want to create a 3D Model/Character in a game that can load different armours.
I'm thinking the best way is to use some kind of bone structure/system as keyframes on verticies would be a pain to update, if for example someone wanted to change the animation slightly all armour would need re-exporting too.
If I use bones I could load the bones and mesh seperately and have it calculated in-game. Then only the bone needs updating and all armours will update accordngly when used. (Im assuming I'm thinking of this correctly).
My problem is I don't really know where to start. It would be great if you had some resources/info on this subject. Preferably using Blender/openGL/C++.
Or if you don't have any resources perhaps you could answer some questions:
- Can bones be exported seperately from mesh in Blender (if so any idea how?)
- What is the best format to store all this information. I know .obj doesnt support bones so thats out
- Am i going about this the right way (for multiple armour/gear) or is there another way to think about this
I'd really love a tutorial or something though. Anyway any kind of help is appreciated! So Thanks.