Hey everyone I'm trying to develop a rpg game in php. I know horrible idea, but that aside I would like to ask for advice on a problem I'm facing. I want to implement a class system. Each class would have skills that would modify an attribute based on a percent. I want to be able to modify weapons(damage), character attributes, magic(mana cost, increase or decrease; damage, increase or decrease). My problem is tying the skills to each thing I want to have it modify. I'm using a database to create attributes so they can be added and deleted without editing files. The tables are like so:
attributes table
create table attributes
id int not null auto_incremet,
title varchar(30) not null unique, # attribute name
points int not null, # default point
increase int not null, # amount to increase per level
primary key(id)
class table
create table classes
id int not null auto_increment,
title varchar(30) not null unique, # class name
description text not null, # class description
icon varchar(128) not null, # url or path to icon
logo varchar(128) not null, # url or path to logo
active int not null, # usable 1 for yes, 0 for no
primary key(id)
skill table
create table skills
id int not null auto_increment,
title varchar(30) not null, # skill name
description text not null, # what skill does
amount int not null, # amount in percent to modify
cost int not null, # number of skill points needed to unlock
class int not null, # class skill belongs to
modifies int not null, # attribute to modify
modType int not null, # type of modification it does 1 for increase, 0 for decrease
icon varchar(128) not null, # url or path to icon
logo varchar(128) not null, # url or path to logo
active int not null, # is skill usable, 1 for yes 0 for no
primary key(id),
foreign key(class) references classes(id),
foreign key(modifies) references attributes(id)
My original plan was to add attributes to weapons and magic so I can attach a skill to it and add a field that says where the attributes goes. The attributes for weapon would be damage, the attributes for magic would be cost(in mana, this is a problem for me tying this to mana) damage, speed, element( reduce or increase damage based on the element attribute). My goal is to create an interface in html, css, and jquery that allows the admin to build a weapon and magic.
My question: whats the best way to tie the concepts together so the skills can modify an attribute of a weapon and spell. Also how do I represent that a a user has unlocked a skill. Do I create a table that has the user id, skill id, and a field that shows it's been unlocked?
the attributes for the character would be something like this:
- Attack
- Speed
- Mana
- Perception
- Agility
- Intelligence
- Stamina
- Defense
- damage
- element
- power
- speed
- cost
These would be stored in the database.