Promit, Why do you think it's ok to say bigoted things? And not only say bigoted things, then go on to say they are the poisonous people.
Now I don't particularly like the shooter community nor developers have pandered to that crowd or children or both, but to call that group poisonous is ludicrous, to say it is largely white male while doing so as if that is the cause is bigoted and hateful. Firstly, there is no proof that they primarily are white male or that those games are more liked by white males than by black males or asian women or whatever other group or that that would matter considering gaming, when formed was merit based, even up into the FPSs as you still didn't have voice or face as we could do now and so whatever the demographic is has nothing to do with race or gender directly. 2ndly even if it were case, which it likely is, has to do with population percentage. If I were to subscribe to such bigotry I could easily point out many things that you would find very hateful. I find what you said to be very hateful and I don't appreciate that bigotry being brought into worlds that are meritocracy has been followed.
Further more, I no more like what that particular community has caused to happen in gaming than what has been caused by the "casual" gamers. They've both taken the focus off games that are challenging, both on a skill level, and on an intellectual level. They've both inspired poorly designed repetitive games that bring nothing new to the table and they have both fed off of simplistic skinner box tricks and microtransactions which have done nothing but destroyed the credibility of games as legitimate forms of delivering a message. Likewise they have both brought in terrible individuals that no one really wants to deal with. One being those from shooters that are rather bigoted and immature and the other being feminists who think that everything is offensive and needs to be changed, not for the betterment of the community nor as a better practice or any other such thing, but rather because either they just want to be kowtowed to or they believe really rather bigoted lies about a community which were largely generated by the other shooter community before they were the shooter community.
While I dislike the shooter community and think they are problematic for several reasons, they at are far better than the casual gamer feminist group who has caused developers to accept con artist opinions, praising poor products, segregating, and really turned the overall gaming community to turn into a unsafe place for people in general as they are told they they are poisonous, hateful, for enjoying a game or holding a position, or being a normal person.
If you don't believe me about the segregation thing PAX had a room where white men were not welcome, that's segregation and bigotry, and should not be accepted. GaymerX where people are promoting that you are hateful bigot if you don't give gay people money to go party with a gaming theme. I fail to see how playing games has anything to do with being gay, and not giving money to people who clearly think their sexual activities matter and are calling it out rather than promoting that it doesn't matter in the gaming community is somehow hate. I find that to be inappropriate. And another that is to a lesser extent is that Sony has a scholarship named GIRL or "Gamer In Real Life" which implies that yet another scholarship should go to women and not guys, even though most scholarships go to women to begin with, especially in the arts, and even if a guy were to get that scholarship they, along with any woman which finds the whole being called a girl thing offensive, would have to suffer the indignity of having such a poorly named scholarship.
And there are many other things that can be called out to be coming from casual gamer/feminist group that are deleterious as a whole to gaming.
If I recognized them as "gamers" which most of them aren't, at least the ones causing the most problems, I could see reason to back away from that label considering the associations with feminism. And ironically the rejection of the label by Promit is likely caused by that same group, by way of lying that a vast minority of a subsection of a community is somehow representative of the whole. Like I said I wouldn't want to associate myself with hateful bigots either and that is what that group has caused people to believe that all of us are, including you, Promit, whether you call yourself a gamer or not.
As far as the original question do I, myself, label myself a "gamer"? I might have a few weeks ago. The thing that changed my mind is a simple argument from ReviewTechUSA on youtube. Playing or developing a game is a hobby. It is no different than any other hobby so why does it warrant a label to be applied to it? I see no reason for it so I don't self-apply that label, because there is no reason to do so.