
Marijuana strains

Started by January 02, 2014 07:53 AM
4 comments, last by Bullshag 11 years ago

Hello everyone, my name is Derek and I am a applications developer that is currently working on a Marijuana growing game in vb. I didn't see where to introduce myself, so I thought I'd start here.

My game is being coded in .net 4.5, and I am currently 30 hours into development at time of posting this. I already have a decent number of strains to be grown, but I'm getting lazy about the names... would anyone care to make up some fake strain names? I could use already-existing strains, but I would like some comical names as well as serious ones and would prefer them to be unique. Here are a few from in-game:

Slick Sticky Ick

Super Magic Fantastic

Donky Kong Kush


Haven't told anyone about it yet, and won't bother posting screenshots unless people are genuinely interested. I'll give some more info on the game as well, in hope that some people here might be able to throw gameplay suggestions in the mix.

currently in-game:

Plants are grown in between 5-10 minutes, based on how much RAM is being used. More used ram = Plants grow faster

Plants accumulate potency and quality points over time, which determines the price of the finished product.

Sell your bud to make profits, which can be used to research strains or improve your growing environment with Hydroponics systems/UV lights/etc. However, these things have an upkeep and if you cannot afford to pay the bills, you can lose the equipment.

Growing plants increases your skills as a grower, allowing better strains to be grown and allowing you to research crazier strains.

Some plants are harder to grow then others, giving them a chance to die before harvest.

to-do list:

networking - connect to a marketplace where players can buy/sell their strains

finish genome system - GUI is 100% finished and coding is 20% done. You will be able to build a DNA strand from scratch, name it, and sell/grow the seeds.

animation - I currently have placeholder images/graphics but when I move to alpha I will rework the graphics and animate the plants growing. Currently, plants grow with a slideshow showing their progress until I finish the engine. I've also read somewhere that characters/dialogue often reflect the creator, and it is best to have lots of input from other people or something like that.

tl;dr I need some gameplay ideas/funny weed names!

Maybe you can generate names randomly by selecting two or three words at random out of a selection. You can change the selection to fit a given theme, for instance you could have a list of scientific names to generate serious-looking strain names, and then a list of funny-sounding words to produce comical strain names. Tune as desired.

“If I understand the standard right it is legal and safe to do this but the resulting value could be anything.”


tl;dr I need some gameplay ideas/funny weed names!

For gameplay ideas you should post in Game Design, not For Beginners (a technical forum).
For weed names you should post in Writing.

I'm moving this to Game Design, since it's not a technical question.

-- Tom Sloper --

Thanks Tom, I wasn't really sure where it belonged. Also, since my topic is in game design, I would like to ask for feedback on my genome system.


Some things to note:

This is a prototype. The final version will not have the standard windows.forms look, and will have more genome options. also, the checkboxes are for debugging, please ignore those.

The idea:

Your strain is made of genetic code labed A - D, plus a few wildcards, which determine potency, quality, appearance, difficulty/cost to research and grow, as well as the overall name of your final plant. Clicking "Manufacture Strain" will assemble the genetic code and, after paying the research cost, you will begin developing seeds which can be sold/traded/bought with other people or placed on a SQL based market for everyone to buy. I chose hexagons over squares for the grid because they gave more flexibility over shaping your strain, which also has an effect on the finished product.

The only thing I haven't begun work on is the SQL marketplace/multiplayer aspect, but after I finish internal testing and balancing with the genetic system I will begin setting up my server. Also, I plan on having 100+ codes to choose from (this will be the highlight of the game, next to the actual growing of the plant), but before I expand of this any more, I have some questions:

Does anyone have better ideas for naming the genetics (instead of A1/B3/D2 etc)?

What would be some interesting genetics to add to the grid?

Can anyone think of a better design for creating genetics that are appropriate for a prototype?

The only thing I haven't begun work on is the SQL marketplace/multiplayer aspect, but after I finish internal testing and balancing with the genetic system I will begin setting up my server

This won't be the proper forum to ask technical questions about that.

-- Tom Sloper --

I'm sorry Tom, I should have made it more clear what I was looking for and after re-reading my reply, I would like to explain a little more about what I'm looking for.

Until I find a more suitable name (or one less cheezy that doesn't sound too generic), lets refer to this program as EWeed, and I say program because it's more of a simulation then a game at this point (and I don't want to make a sim game, lol). I set up a goal with milestones to reach with my program, because most games that i've worked on didn't have a gdd or anything and had on-the-fly ideas and such... and I think everyone knows how that worked out. I also subscribe to gaming magazines that I read frequently to keep up-to-date on the latest in game development and sometimes contain interviews from developers at AAA game companies. One day I read an interview about someone from THQ(i think), and he said when you are starting out it is important to start a project and actually finish it, which made me begin planning my first game.

I started coding with WoW private servers, making LUA scripts for npc fights and using MySQL to store data for the server. After I learned how syntax works and format for making functions, I looked into other languages and high end game engines designed to make everything from text based adventures and 3D fps games, to 2D mmorpgs to simple platformers. I looked into scripting languages like C#(just to work with Unity effectivly) and PHP/HTML, and eventually settled with because, in my opinion, it is the easiest to learn for a beginner.

I've been working with for a few years, and am currently a freelance application developer that is new to being self-employed and have been doing easy jobs to build a portfolio (i.e. my last job was a program that scanned other processes and closed any that were on a 'blocked' list retrieved from a SQL server), and I made sure all the goals I've set are within my ability to create, except the graphics (which will be outsourced after the prototype is finished, budget is about $600 but I'm not ready to look for an artist right now). I've worked with SQL servers for a while now and have a storing/retrieving method planned for when the time comes.

Technically speaking, I feel good about my ability to code EWeed, but the current version is only 0.065, which leaves plenty of room for content to be added/tweaked before the alpha is ready to be posted as an actual game. While i'm on the subject, I'll post a summary of my milestones before the alpha:

- 0.07 Implement basic genetics, allowing the player to build a strain from scratch and produce seeds for it. The process of producing your strain will be called ''research'', and will cost an amount based on the potency/quality of the strain you are researching. After research is complete, a number of seeds will be added to something called a ''seed bank'', where seeds will be stored until they are used.

- 0.075 Testing period for previous patch, development will be focused on finding bugs and balance adjustments, and given to internal testers for overnight testing. When testers are unable to find bugs the next patch is started and testers are left with this build to test in the meantime.

- 0.08 Add plant health icon and water/suppliment system. Player will be able to see how healthy his plant is, as well as spend money to water their plant or add suppliments, affecting potency growth and quality growth.

- 0.085 Testing period for previous patch, development will be focused on finding bugs and balance adjustments, and given to internal testers for overnight testing. When testers are unable to find bugs the next patch is started and testers are left with this build to test in the meantime.

- 0.09 Connect to sql server and assign player a User Code as well as a Grower Name. Players will log in to the marketplace with their user code, and be able to view strains added to market, buy strains from the market, and sell things to the market. market prices will be set by the seller, and the market will only be populated with player-researched strains during the Alpha.

- 0.095 Testing period for final patch, mostly focused on finding bugs with the SQL server and marketplace. Entire game will be re-balanced as needed, and testing will last 1 week minimum to test long-term balancing and server uptime.

- 0.1 Release alpha on some kind of forum site(I plan on it being this one) for feedback, and to test stability with the SQL server. As stability increases, post on more and more sites. During alpha development, more features will be added including a chatroom, a weekly grow tournament, extended genetics, and a 'loot' system.

This gives you an idea how my development process is right now, and I hope in the long-run it produces good results. I mentioned that I sometimes read game dev interviews, and another line that I feel made sense was something about indie devs that are a 1 man team, and how each character reflected the dev that made them. Unfortunately, this resulted in the characters becoming bland in the end compared to a team where each character was designed by a different person. I don't know if its true, but if it is, I'm afraid if I named all the strains and all the genetic codes, the same thing would in some sense happen to them.
This is where I need everyone's help.
If there is a funny marijuana strain anyone has come up with, and wants to see it in-game, please post here. If you can think of some funny names for the genetic code(A1, B3, etc seems so lame to me, but this is just a placeholder.), please feel free to post them. Also, I don't want the genetic code system to LOOK confusing to the player, and if IS confusing you, and you have an idea to make it less confusing, please let me know. I feel like this early in the development process is the perfect time to make any big changes.
Again, I apologize for not being clear Tom, but after typing all this I realize there is know way anyone could have gotten all this from my post. And to kill 2 birds with one stone, we'll call this my introduction too. :)

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