
newbie, blender and 'raw faces' models

Started by December 02, 2013 09:53 AM
13 comments, last by fir 11 years, 1 month ago

I am totally newbie in dealing with meshes, I need some

amount of free models (to toy with them in my framework),

very most preferably in 'raw faces' .raw format, preferably

containing only quads or only triangles

So I need a .raw free models or other format models and

easy and working way of converting them to .raw

I found some models page and

used blender to convert them to .raw - got three that are working

great but most of them when I try to export them to .raw

shows ""could not get mesh data for active object" (I cant use

blender really so I am not sure if I am doing some sort

of wrong selection before "export" or what the problem is)

So I triad about 30 about 23 of them did not exported properly

to raw, 4 of them are probably mixed traingles with quads

so i cannot use them right now, other three working fine)

Could someone help with that? some advice about this export

error or maybe some advice how can i find other way of

obtaining free .raw models ?

much tnx

So do you want to learn Blender or some other software? Because for Blender I recommend taking the basic tutorials from

I haven't exported to .raw myself but from the looks of it it you just need to select (only) the object you want before exporting and that the object needs to have a mesh.


So do you want to learn Blender or some other software? Because for Blender I recommend taking the basic tutorials from

I haven't exported to .raw myself but from the looks of it it you just need to select (only) the object you want before exporting and that the object needs to have a mesh.

Ye probably i will ned to learn it at least some hours,

but I also need to just get proper models working and

could learn it later - also need some hints lo ease

learning... Will try to know myself how do all this selection

and try

Ye probably i will ned to learn it at least some hours,

but I also need to just get proper models working and

could learn it later - also need some hints lo ease

learning... Will try to know myself how do all this selection

and try

Be patient, 3D could take a lot of time depending on where you come from.

You can select objects in Blender with right mouse button. :)

Also, you can convert it to triangles/quads only. Select the mesh (rightclick), enter edit mode (press tab), select all ( press A 'till the whole mesh is orange ), then press Ctrl+T to convert to triangles, or press Alt+J to convert to quads ( doesn't always work, e.g. if you have some faces wrong ).

Press tab again ( back from edit mode to object mode ), then export.

As a sidenote, did you consider OBJ's?

Also, you can convert it to triangles/quads only. Select the mesh (rightclick), enter edit mode (press tab), select all ( press A 'till the whole mesh is orange ), then press Ctrl+T to convert to triangles, or press Alt+J to convert to quads ( doesn't always work, e.g. if you have some faces wrong ).

Press tab again ( back from edit mode to object mode ), then export.

As a sidenote, did you consider OBJ's?

Thanx for answer.

I considered obj but now it is easier to me working with

.raw. Raw is quite fine anyway besides it has no normals,

do the obj have normals stored?

Thanx for info how to select that,

Do You think all the models I open in blender should properly export to raw so it is only my selection mistake

or some of them can fail for some other reason?


Also, you can convert it to triangles/quads only. Select the mesh (rightclick), enter edit mode (press tab), select all ( press A 'till the whole mesh is orange ), then press Ctrl+T to convert to triangles, or press Alt+J to convert to quads ( doesn't always work, e.g. if you have some faces wrong ).

Press tab again ( back from edit mode to object mode ), then export.

This shows to be extreme helpful remark, hehe - i didnt know about rightclick - now i acheived to export parts of

one model - but still do not know how to select

properly all model not selecting the (1).lamp..

i deleted lamp and camera, did select all by type-> mesh but when exporting i got error "select 1 active object"

the parts it seem i manage to export the whole i cant..


also this to triangle trick is working, but I still have some

problems with selection for example when trying to

select tank I can only select and export top part of it

not 'wheels' A do not select the wheels also select all

by type also do not selects it

well later i probably will rewrite loader to use obj,

separate vertex and facec blocks spares a place in


If the mesh(es) you want to export are divided in multiple objects that you want to export all you can first join the objects into one object.

Hold shift and mouse right click to select all the objects you want to join and press CTRL+J. The objects are now merged into one object.

If the mesh(es) you want to export are divided in multiple objects that you want to export all you can first join the objects into one object.

Hold shift and mouse right click to select all the objects you want to join and press CTRL+J. The objects are now merged into one object.

I didnt manage to do it yet.. this blender is terribly hermetic thousands of options..

I see that for example "vader tie" model (mesh ?) is divided into several parts (objects ?) i could separately select and move one far to other.. is there some list of this elements? How to make sure i selected it all (I was not trying holding shift right now, just go back from blender window where i am confused)

I didnt manage to do it yet.. this blender is terribly hermetic thousands of options..

Blender is immensely versatile and customizable software used for so many things you're bound to feel like there's too many buttons if you just need to do simple model file format conversion.

I see that for example "vader tie" model (mesh ?) is divided into several parts (objects ?) i could separately select and move one far to other..

In Blender there are "objects" that can be mesh, camera, light, curve for example. The objects that are mesh objects always have mesh data ie. verticies and polygons.

If you have a model file that is split up into lots of different objects for no reason it's not really because of Blender but because someone decided to make it that way smile.png

is there some list of this elements?

It's called "Outliner" and by default it's in upper right corner of the user interface. You can select objects in Outliner in similar manner than in the 3D view, ie. select multiple holding shift.

How to make sure i selected it all

You can look at the Outliner and you should only see one mesh object there (has a triangle icon) if you've joined them all and you have nothing else on any other layers.

A tip about joining many objects: you can actually press CTRL+J every time you select a new mesh and that way you don't have to stress about holding shift. You also need to have shift pressed down when you click. Whether you let go of shift in between clicks doesn't matter.

A tip about joining ALL objects: you can just select all by hitting 'A' key and then hit CTRL+J. No matter if it selects some cameras and lights as well, it only joins mesh objects.

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