So am currently mucking around with a rough concept with Dragonsoulj for a platformer game where the player literally uses parts of themselves as tools in order to progress through the levels for example: A player might tear out an eye and toss it in a direction to gain a viewpoint opening up a fog of war or extract their intestines for use as a rope to climb up a high section. Of course being only initial inceptions everything is up in the air as to how we fully approach this...for example do we incorporate a frankenstein approach by where you scavenge further body parts to attach to yourself or utilise as tools, can you only carry a certain amount of body parts in which case selecting the right ones might make navigating a level easier or perhaps as you progress through each level you scavenge your own body parts using them up as you push through endeavouring to make it to the other end.
What ever we ultimately end up with I don't's still early days. But the reason I am writing this post is to ask you for the following:
In what ways could you make use of your own body parts to create tools or interactable elements that might serve you in a navigating a platformer? Be outrageous (but clean).
Should I detach a leg and an eyeball and play golf? I look forward to your responses.