What is the "depth" of the game and gameplay?
if i understand your question correctly, pretty deep.
it models everything. well, you know what i mean.
windage effects on arrow flight, driven by the weather engine.
background radiation and aging (background radiation gets us all in the end).
ok, you asked for it...
a 2500 x 2500 mile randomly generated world
using tracking to find or avoid encounters
using stealth to increase chance of surprise
attack to subdue
using (wearing) camouflage
sneak mode
nets, entangling, and escaping
climbing cliffs and vertical surfaces
traps and trapping
effects of psychotropics
relations between PCs and NPCs
NPC interests and possible specializations (trader, healer, etc)
weather engine, water tables and flooding, snow accumulation
talking to NPCs
47 (or so) different skills and experience in each
50 representative species of actual extinct megafauna modeled so far including avains, plus a "bring on the dinos!" option. i know, unrealistic. thats why its an option. i already removed the monolith from 2001 that was in the original version.
234 types of objects so far, all of which you can make or find, many of which you can inspect their condition, and repair them.
about 64 of those objects are weapons, or tools that can also be used as a weapon.
armor is also included in those 234 objects.
5 terrain elevations from ocean to impassable mountains
8 types of vegetation coverage, from sandy desert to lush jungle.
caves, rock shelters, huts, volcanoes, tar pits, caverns, rocks, berry bushes, fruit trees, cliffs, canyons
100 generic action handlers for an estimated 1000+ actions in the game. like the sims you can interact with everything in the environment. swim, sing, stargaze, make tools and weapons, etc.
rafts and sailing across oceans (hey man! keep paddling!)
capturing subdued animals and cavemen
domesticating captured animals (dire wolf only)
natural resources and resource depletion
global warming and cooling and changes to the environment
fatigue due to damage
fatigue due to encumberance
encumberance rules
container rules (need sacks, waterskins, etc)
taking over caves, rock shelters, and huts
climbing trees to escape animals
animals that can climb up trees after you!
everything affects mood, mood affects how fast you do stuff
encounter tables based on terrain type (no wolley mammoths in the desert)
movement effect on hygiene
fires, fires going out, fires getting out of control and starting wildfires
healing of traveling companions, tamed animals, and hired warriors
torches and torches going out
food spoilage
dropped food spoilage
storage pits, storage pit raids
extra caloric intake required in cold weather
natural disasters
volcanic eruptions
drowning in floods
wear and tear of equipment. every object has a quality level 0-100%.
captured animals escaping
hiring warriors
raids on your band's shelters
creeks and waterholes filling and drying up
getting sick (bacterial / viral infection)
weathering effects on shelters
weathering effects on storage pits
background radiation, old age, death
cave/rock shelter recent signs of occupancy and cave/rock shelter abandonment
weathering effects on rafts
NPC inventories for trading
thats just a quick list, it does even more. last time i counted there were almost 2 dozen ways to die, only two of which were from combat.
the scope of the game has become so great that i'm not sure exactly how many actions, weapons, types of armor, etc there are.
i just added realistic cave and rockshelter population densities, up to 200 per 5x5 mile map square, and got this error:
1>LINK : fatal error LNK1248: image size (C28C3000) exceeds maximum allowable size (80000000)
so, yeah, you might say its a big game. <g>.
to fix that i had to resort to paging the lists of shelters in a 5 x 5 mile map square off of disk. LRU, 10 buffer cache, with dirty flag for save as needed when paging.
i was hoping to get away with no paging or loading during play. it loads everything up at program start (about 10 seconds) and thats it. right now, it only pages the list of shelters, and the local player maps. no slowdowns so far. walk 2500 miles across the world with no hitches, load screens, "Loading area..." messages, etc.
Will the world be pre-baked or generated on-the-fly from "seed" values?
neither, true random. seed based on current time at new game start. seeds mean repeatability. and repeatability means predictability, which is a bad thing for replayability.