I'm currently making my first turn based tactical combat game and I'm interested in your feedback.
So far I've grouped all actions into 4 categories
1. Offensive
2. Defensive
3. Movement
4. Incidental (for actions like falling prone, taking cover, or opening a door)
Actions are managed by action points. Every unit gets 2 action points per round which can be spent on offensive, defensive, or movement actions. Incidental actions are free actions.
What this means is that in one round you can
1. move, attack
2. move, defend
3. move, move
4. defend, attack
5. attack twice
6. defend, defend (full defense)
At the moment, I just need to figure out how my 6 armed troll will attack. At this point I might have to create several action points per category, but I'm not sure I like how complex it seems to make the system.
Can any of the experts here suggest a better action economy?