I know a lot of rude programmers as well it kind of comes with the fact that it's not a major many people understand or appreciate. because in general the mass public thinks all programmers are geniuses i have met a lot who kind of take that position and thinking too far. then it's funny because In my experience the more skilled the programmer the more rude they are to other killed programmers. at my last Job we had a very intelligent UI programmer and a very intelligent A.I. programmer who couldn't see eye to eye . they never agreed on how to do something and if the game broke it was always the others fault ( even when it was neither of theirs) .
I don't know I red somewhere that because the mass public sees us as wizards in general or uber nerds with untouchable brain capacities( no i don't agree with that) it makes computer science majors seem like wizards and usually the only people who can correct a computer science major are....other computer science majors.
Just a few weeks ago I went to a local game industry meet-up event and I met a very intelligent young programmer who basically blasted every other type of programmer...on the basis that he knew how long it took the computer to process a Hash-table. I'm not exaggerating , he literally stroked his own ego at the fact he knew how long it took to sort or process hash-tables and how to optimize code to reduce compiling times by milliseconds even going on to say how pitiful it was older programmers did not appreciate or maintain that same knowledge . He was also laughing at the simplicity of other programmers who were excited that they could make " mario-clones" . i just nodded and let him enjoy his night. he certainly considered his mind to be greater than others and who am I to disturb that belief?