You really want to stifle game creation that badly? Personally, finding out about SE's patent makes me glad I haven't played many of their games. People wont buy a license for it, they just wont use it and games will suffer in general as a result. How many JRPG's do you see using that system that aren't from SquareEnix? I can think of none. Why? I'd wager it's because they'd rather use an alternative than pay SE anything. It's because of patent mongering like this that modern consoles don't have haptic (vibrational) feedback and a whole host of other things. Also consider that patents don't help you (the small firm) the way you think they'll help you - just consider that even if you did create a revolutionary idea that some major player player in the industry wanted to use, they can always bog you down in a legal quagmire and survive the costs a lot longer than you can to actually enforce your patent. Unless you have significant financial backing, the only people you will prevent from using anything are other small firms. Is that really who you're afraid of?
omg they have patent on that?
So other games cant use that kind of system with the recharging meter for when they can do another action?
Unless they pay squareenix?
that system is badass imo.
This is why i want to be able to patent a combat system i create...
What license did they choose to put on the active time battle system?
This and other posts you've made make you seem as though you believe you have The One Idea[sup]tm[/sup] that everyone is just waiting to steal. This is not and just never is the case, and all you're likely to do is cause yourself a lot of wasted effort and cash. I strongly suggest you read the stickied posts in the Game Design forum which talk about this.