Cash Shops for example is something a lot more games should have.
Just really simple things will increase your revenue like a name change.
You can implement a cash shop to almost everything in a game.
You can even have a cash shop AND have a price tag on your game.
Maybe it's just me, but it seems like your'e trying to imagine yourself or your investments to be along the lines of AAA publishers.
If you had realistic expectations for a project, which would take some earnest research into the industry, then you wouldn't need to spark such harsh conversations and push everyone away when they have the experience you so desperately need but willingly ignore.
If you want to start small, think small. You can't bank on a game making millions. Investments are a gamble.
In my opinion, if you really want to invest in a video game project, find one that is trying to get a single game made that has already been designed (including GDD with business plan), has a good team, and a working alpha.
Just don't expect them to change everything/anything or forking over every dime that could be earned from their project.