
Ways of forcing players to play together without risk of getting griefed?

Started by July 13, 2012 07:28 PM
23 comments, last by aattss3 12 years, 6 months ago
Has no one kicked a griefer from a L4D game before?
Vote kick, majority rule, tie break in favor of the vote initiator.
Now you only get griefed if you want to.
Holy burning hand of wrath
piercing forever through the heart
There's this group of three players in a look for group (5 player group in WoW) that always vote kick healers after a run. Majority vote seems very good to eliminate grief especially when you join this party as a healer. (sarcasm).
I use QueryPerformanceFrequency(), and the result averages to 8 nanoseconds or about 13 cpu cycles (1.66GHz CPU). Is that reasonable?
I though that the assembly equivalent to accessing unaligned data would be something similar to this order:

  • move
  • mask
  • shift
  • move
  • mask
  • shift
  • or

    So it seems reasonable to say that it takes 14 cycles for unaligned data since we'll have to do the series of instructions once to access and once to assign?

There's this group of three players in a look for group (5 player group in WoW) that always vote kick healers after a run. Majority vote seems very good to eliminate grief especially when you join this party as a healer. (sarcasm).

In an MMO it is not a very good idea to leave too much power in the hands of few. Much like Platinum_Dragon has alluded to, I would not put vote kicking in an MMO, but it does have it's place in multiplayer games that have hundreds/thousands of servers to choose from. In multiplayer games if the majority, sometimes a complete server vote is required, all vote to remove a player from the server that player probably did something to deserve it and they also have plenty of other servers to choose from. In an MMO you only have the server of which your character exists and it should be left up to the group leader to determine who stays/goes so the quality of the group leader is what matters most, not the dissendent majority.

Has no one kicked a griefer from a L4D game before?
Vote kick, majority rule, tie break in favor of the vote initiator.
Now you only get griefed if you want to.

The OP has made it clear in previous topic's that voting systems are:
"I think the vote thing is one of the worst designs ever."
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If we are talking about an MMO with a persistent world:

Relevant, as random PKers and griefers are similar in that they both are despised and need to be brought before justice.

If we're talking about a non-persistent game like L4D2, then I would suggest a reputation system. Players can suggest whether or not other players were griefers or unskilled. Then, people will automatically be grouped with similar people.

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