
Your latest work

Started by October 08, 2001 05:05 PM
139 comments, last by Janju 22 years, 9 months ago
here are my works
I am sorry for the long post

Edited by - beginner_directx on December 5, 2001 7:35:08 PM
what the best is depeands on whether or not you are mapping all levels of the skin yourself or not, if your just making a skin for some game then any paint prog will work, but if you have full control over bump, reflection and trans maps then you will want to look into the more advanced features like fractal and niose generation as well as digital video suport mostly you can get what you need out of paint shop pro and a hand full of public domain programs like what the stone soup group put out, my advice is to just get a prog and start playing with it if you haven't used a newer paint prog yet you should download gimp its free and has the newer features it will give you a good base for what ever prog you dicide to go with I use paint shop pro now but zbrush looks like the next one im going with, the only reason I chose paint shop over photo shop was it was alot cheaper and had alot more base stuff in it (less plugs to hunt down)if your looking to dump money into a good paint prog I would have to recomend zbrush its the front runner right now Hope that Helps

well im off to work got allot of stuff to do check my email and push some work through ahh nothing like a 72 hour day heh but atleast I snuck a deacent vacation in

Edited by - Rehfeld on December 5, 2001 12:38:44 AM
my new pic for my shockwave cartoon donkey men
Eric W.L Routt

just some playing.

>I am not text, I am not organized pixels, I am not killed by turning off your monitor, I am not isolated by turning off your computer. I just am.

Wow Fantasy Edge really nice Graphics. Got a link to more of that?

-- Sturm

Life after death? No thanks, I want to live NOW
--- Sturm 2001
---------------------------------------------------Life after death? No thanks, I want to live NOW --- Sturm 2001
loking good, but mmmmmh, have and a Rei with a Ritsuko suit?

-----------------------------------------------"Cuando se es peon, la unica salida es la revolución"
Humm, well this topic is titled "Your Latest Work", the image is called Infected Corpse Wall and was done with acrylics, there is a hi-res version of this image on my site

Edited by - Zonbie on December 11, 2001 11:30:06 PM

Edited by - tayete on December 13, 2001 10:48:50 AM
"Nec spes, nec metus" - Gladiators'' motto
Tayete, thats pretty good. You do that by hand?
Just released my new Palm OS game yesterday! It''s called "Ship Attack"

Screen shots:

<img src="" border = "0" width="160"height="160">


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