I'm trying to include angelscript one of my new projects, I'm developing in QT Creator on OSX Lion. I've managed to build angelscript without problem but when I try to link to the library I ran into this:
[color="#aa0000"]Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
[color="#aa0000"] "CallSystemFunctionNative(asCContext*, asCScriptFunction*, void*, unsigned int*, void*, unsigned long&)", referenced from:
[color="#aa0000"] CallSystemFunction(int, asCContext*, void*)in libangelscript.a(as_callfunc.o)
[color="#aa0000"]ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
That function is defined in one of the as_callfunc_*.cpp files. You need to make sure the one appropriate for you platform is included in your project and that the configurations in as_config.h is appropriate.
I'm not sure what compiler QT Creator uses, but most likely it is gnuc or a derivative. If this is correct the file you need is the as_callfunc_x64_gcc.cpp.