Help with the DPlay examples?
I am trying to run simplepeer with my friend, just so that I can see what the code is actually doing. I select TCP connection, and when I select to start search for a current game, it asks me for the "remote machine address".
Anyone know what I should type there? the ip number of my friends comp, some other computers'' ip number? How do I discover my friends IP number if that is what I need to enter?
Thanks for all the help. The entire networking thing is really hard to grasp. Bout time there was more than 1 (old, old) DP tutorial.
For "simplepeer"
Firstly one of you, either yourself or your friend needs to play the role of the "game" host.
On the host machine:
Starting up "Simplepeer" enter your choosen name and select the TCP/IP provider option followed by BN:OK. Now you can select BN:Create and enter a name for your game session. You can leave it as its default or enter something of your own. Selecting CHECK:Migrate means that when the selected host machine shuts the application down the host/server will "migrate" to one of the other connected machines.
When ready select BN:OK.
On the connecting clients:
Starting up "Simplepeer" enter your choosen name and select the TCP/IP provider option followed by BN:OK. Now you can select BN:Searching. "Simplepeer" will respond by displaying DLG:"Enter host name". Here you have a few possibilities.
You can leave it blank in which case "Simplepeer" will attempt to automatically enumerate available servers that it can see or you can enter the IP address of the machine you have designated host, (in windows 2000 you could use IPCONFIG to get the host ip address and I think the command was WINIPCFG in previous versions of windows).
Once you press BN:OK "Simplepeer" will either scan the network or the designated IP address then list any found game sessions back in the main window.
Select the game session to which you wish to connect then select BN:Join.
You should then be connected and able to have many minutes of fun waving at each other.
I would suggest that you run two instances of the application on the same machine if you are planning to investigate the way in which the code works.
One instance you can start up normally and the second through the debugger.
Its way to much hastle tryiong to co-ordinate things with a freind, especially when you are planning to look into how the code is working.
Also, bear a few things in mind:
If you place break points don''t hang around with them too long because things start timeing out and disconnecting themselves.
Its well worth sticking a whole bunch of trace messages in everywhere or better yet write a few simple logging functions to dump information to files. This will prove very handly later on.
Also remember it is multithreaded so things may not always be what they seem.
Hope this is of help.
Firstly one of you, either yourself or your friend needs to play the role of the "game" host.
On the host machine:
Starting up "Simplepeer" enter your choosen name and select the TCP/IP provider option followed by BN:OK. Now you can select BN:Create and enter a name for your game session. You can leave it as its default or enter something of your own. Selecting CHECK:Migrate means that when the selected host machine shuts the application down the host/server will "migrate" to one of the other connected machines.
When ready select BN:OK.
On the connecting clients:
Starting up "Simplepeer" enter your choosen name and select the TCP/IP provider option followed by BN:OK. Now you can select BN:Searching. "Simplepeer" will respond by displaying DLG:"Enter host name". Here you have a few possibilities.
You can leave it blank in which case "Simplepeer" will attempt to automatically enumerate available servers that it can see or you can enter the IP address of the machine you have designated host, (in windows 2000 you could use IPCONFIG to get the host ip address and I think the command was WINIPCFG in previous versions of windows).
Once you press BN:OK "Simplepeer" will either scan the network or the designated IP address then list any found game sessions back in the main window.
Select the game session to which you wish to connect then select BN:Join.
You should then be connected and able to have many minutes of fun waving at each other.
I would suggest that you run two instances of the application on the same machine if you are planning to investigate the way in which the code works.
One instance you can start up normally and the second through the debugger.
Its way to much hastle tryiong to co-ordinate things with a freind, especially when you are planning to look into how the code is working.
Also, bear a few things in mind:
If you place break points don''t hang around with them too long because things start timeing out and disconnecting themselves.
Its well worth sticking a whole bunch of trace messages in everywhere or better yet write a few simple logging functions to dump information to files. This will prove very handly later on.
Also remember it is multithreaded so things may not always be what they seem.
Hope this is of help.
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