

Started by December 08, 2010 02:17 PM
13 comments, last by Elysium 13 years, 9 months ago
Quote: Original post by Chocrates
why would you upgrade to 11.04 so quickly? 10.10 is barely two months old.....

My employer makes me. Dogfooding.

Stephen M. Webb
Professional Free Software Developer

I have been working with three GNU-licensed packages as prospective clients for a game that will ideally interact with a number of quite different clients.

The three are Freeciv for strategic view of individual planets, Battle for Wesnoth for divulging of backstory and potentially in the upcoming version 1.9+ for actual interacting with the game multiverse, and Crossfire RPG for chat-with-dungeoncrawling / running around town buying things / individual character scale operations.

The Battle for Wesnoth campaigns published so far are so far (apart from novels in progress and short stories already made available in the past on the web) probably the most informative media about the game, largely because Battle for Wesnoth is at least partially an exposition engine / computer aided instruction engine.

The original primary planet from way back in 1973 and onward (think first publication of Dungeons & Dragons, grown out of the fantasy supplement in the back of the "Chainmail" tabletop-miniatures rulebook) is not even converted over into Freeciv-worldmap format yet and quite possibly will not be for years yet; how one would get to the planet known as D'ydii from the various known planets of the Galactic Milieu is actually somewhat of a mystery currently... In fact different factions have different opinions as to which mythical planet, "Earth" or "D'ydii" is more fictional than the other, or whether both actually exist or existed or might someday come to exist or be caused to exist.

The factions seeding Grand Nexus Uberplan (GNU) software on any planets possessing computer technology might be totally making up myths such as those of "Earth" and "D'ydii"...
Wow sounds like a cool project. You have a website or anything?

Man that looks really cool thanks for the link, I'll be keeping an eye out.

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